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Su Luo gave her a look at her.

"Yes, there is a little bit of injury... but it doesn't hurt at all, hehe."

Just then, the footsteps came from outside.

Zhao Erkou has no cover: "My sister is fast, I will hide the **** grass. Lu Dafu doesn't know what happened this time. I have to grab this herb. Before that, the old man was highly respected and not so brazen."

The face of Lu Dafu, who was pushing the door, was almost red.

"Cough and cough -" Lu Dafu took a look at Zhao Erzhen.

Zhao Erzhen is not convinced to carry his chin, is she wrong?

Lu Daren did not care about the children, he opened the door and said to Su Luo: "Hey girl, the **** grass is what you let two pick?"

Su Luo nodded.

Lu Daren: "You open a price."

Susie Frown: "Price?"

Dr. Lu did not speak yet, and the big-haired mother on the side said: "Shantou, you can survive, relying on Lu’s master to rejuvenate, isn’t it true that the dripping water is the spring of the spring? It’s time to repay Lu Dafu, this strain You must also sell the blood grass! Of course, you can open the price!"

Su Luo saw that the like of Lu Dafu was like this. The corner of his mouth slightly raised a touch of curvature: "Is Lu Daren also thinking this way?"

Dr. Lu snorted: "The girl opens a price."

Su Luo: "If I don't want to sell it?"

Lu Dafu frowned: "This **** grass is a waste in your hands, but if it is in my hands, it will be able to exert its maximum effect. Since the girl is a person who knows medicine, she will naturally understand."

Su Luo stared at Lu Dafu like a smile: "Lu Dafu said yes, I am indeed a person who knows medicine, but because it is a person who knows medicine, it will not sell."

Lu Daren frowned.

Zhao Auntie screamed at Su Luo: "Whoever controls you to sell or not, this blood grass is the second of our family, it is our family!"

The second awkward Zhao Auntie, but still bravely stood up: "It’s a sister-in-law..."

Zhao Auntie is about to fight for two, but Su Luo smiled: "Zhao Auntie, do you want me to pay for it?"

"Ah?" Zhao Auntie glared at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo looked at her with a smile.

Zhao Da Niang anger: "If you still don't come out of money, hey, the old lady will sell you!"

Su Shi, who was repaired as a whole, and who was still stubborn, said with a smile: "Do you think that I can sell forty-two silver?"

"You--" Zhao Da Niang pointed at the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union is calm and idle.

You must know that at any time, the debt is the uncle, and the debt is the grandson.

Zhao auntie angered and pointed at the phoenix dance, the fingers of the gas trembled, but one word could not be said!

How does she think she is pitted?

She can not only kill this girl, but also help her to cure her leg? What a joke!

Su Luo staller: "When my legs are cured, don't say forty-two, that is four hundred two, that can also be sold."

Zhao Auntie fell into deep meditation.

Indeed, this girl is really good, fine skin and tender meat, pure and white, the five senses are smart and pleasing, this is a healthy and healthy can run, and four hundred and two are really possible...

This is a big fish!

"I will give you forty-two, this **** grass I took." Lu Dafu bids for Zhao Aunt.

Lu Dafu should not come in. Once he stands in front of the Soviet Union, it means that he will not be able to break the army.


Originally, Zhao Auntie, who was very valued for forty-two, was painted a big cake by the Soviet Union. She refused Dr. Lu: "No! Don't sell or sell!"

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