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The people present were looking at the Soviet Union with an incredible look!

This is a big fat rabbit! For the Zhao family who can't smell the meat and smell all the year round, this meat can make them sacrifice their lives!

Zhao Auntie is even more angry and fainted!

But before they even talked, Su Luo had already laughed: "But Zhao Auntie is so good to me. When everyone can't eat meat, there is a piece of meat in my porridge. How can I eat a single food?"

I heard that everyone was relieved.

"Good, good boy, really good boy." Zhao Auntie was overwhelmed by Su Luo's heart: "Old people, Xiu Yan, not fast to kill the big fat rabbit?"

Zhao Erzhen took the hand of Su Luo and looked at her with a sly look.

Su Luo knew that this girl was not willing, but for her, it was just a rabbit.

"I heard that Li Xiezi's craftsmanship is good?" Su Luo saw that Da Bo Niang's eyes were bumped and she knew that she was not honest.

It is one thing to give a rabbit, but if Dadang steals something, it is when she is a fool.

Dabo Niang looked at Su Luo and thought that the fat rabbit was found by Su Luo. In the end, she did not say a word.

Everyone looked at Zhao Auntie's hands on her hips and screamed at them: "You guys, don't work in the field, stare at this look? Haven't eaten meat?!"

Everyone nodded! I have never eaten!

Zhao Auntie is not a hard-hearted one. She puts her hand in her hand: "Well, the men are going to work in the fields, and they can come back early to eat rabbit meat when they finish their work!"


The Zhao family are all excited and their eyes are shining!

"Lee stayed, Wang, you go to help!" Zhao Auntie ordered.

"Mother..." Dabo Niang is not reconciled and is trying to refute.

Zhao Auntie, who has the right to distribute food, sneered: "How? Don't want to eat meat?"

How can you not want to eat meat? Da Bo Niang could not help but can only go silently to the ground.

This time, the Zhao family’s work in the fields is amazing!

It took three hours to get the job done, and it was almost done after an hour.

Da Bo Niang rushed home and ran: "Quick and fast, if it is late, I don't know if the rabbit meat will be eaten. After all, the mother is most biased towards her old niece."

At the moment, Zhao’s second room.

"Sister Sister, I am sorry -" Zhao Erzhen took the hand of Su Luo and apologized to her.

Su Luo smiled at her: "Why apologize?"

Zhao Erzhen lowered his head and licked his lips: "This fat rabbit was originally a sister-in-law, but now... It’s good for my sister to be able to get a rabbit leg. My sister is losing money."

"Hey--" Su Luo laughed out, "It’s just a rabbit, why is it?"

"Just a rabbit?" Zhao Erqi and Zhao Xiaowu both looked at Su Luo with an incredible look: "My sister, this time, after eating the rabbit, I want to smell the meat again next time, I am afraid I can get it. New Year."

"Ha ha ha, how is it possible?" Su Luo smiled and shook his head.

"Oh sister, you can catch this rabbit is lucky, not so good next time."

"Stupid girl." Sue poked her forehead: "Soon you will know how good your sister is."

Just then, a footstep sounded outside.

"The people from the lower land are coming back!" Zhao Erzhen stood up and took the Soviet Union and went out. "Quick and fast, can't let Dabo Niang take the lead, Dabo Niang can be greedy!"

Ps: add more ball tickets

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