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Sure enough, Dabo was rushing to the front, she rushed outside the kitchen: "Mother, mother, when do we eat meat?"

Zhao Auntie looked at her with no anger: "Eat and eat, eat and die! You know that you can eat meat! You can think of something else in your mind?!"

Da Bo Niang's face is the thickest, and Zhao Auntie is in the crowd, but she doesn't feel at all. It is a mixed temper.

Da Bo Niang: "Mother, don't blame us, don't want to eat meat, who will work so fast?"

Zhao Auntie was almost mad.

She screamed at Wang, but Wang still smiled.

Aunt Zhao: "..."

"Look what?! Not ready to bring the food up, but also let your mother-in-law personally?!" Zhao aunt anger transferred to Li.

Li was oppressed by Zhao Auntie, and she quickly turned and went to the kitchen.

Soon, the food was full of tables.

It was still the big round table with broken wood. The table didn't know how many years it had gone through. The surface was black and lacquered and covered with oil.

"Sister, sit here, sit here!" Zhao Erzhen took the Soviet Union and squeezed into the middle of her and Zhao Dazhao.

Everyone else quickly sat in his position, staring at the most central piece of meat.

Dabo Niang felt that it was wrong when she saw the meat!

She asked Zhao Auntie: "Mother, isn't it? That big fat rabbit, after going to the hair and peeling it into the water, how can it still have five pounds left? How do you look at it... so little on this plate?"

Brush it!

Everyone's eyes are looking at Zhao Auntie!

Zhao Da Niang's one-handed akimbo, the other finger pointed to Da Bo Niang: "As far as your eyes are concerned, you will count! So much! You still can't eat?!"

Da Bo Niang was usually smashed, and she stopped eating, but this time she was involved in such a golden thing, how can she stop?

"Mother, you shouldn't be an eccentric, so hide the meat and go back and secretly give it to Xiuyan?" Dabo Niang said the truth!

Zhao Aunt's face instantly became very ugly!

Su Luo looked at this kind of life and looked at it with relish.

It turns out that this is the life of the ordinary people at the bottom. Looking at the simplicity, but sometimes for a piece of meat, the mother-in-law can fight.

Suddenly, Su Shen feels in the heart!

A glimmer of light flashed through her head!

what is it then? !

Su Luo frowned.

She has a hunch that if she can capture the inspiration, her cultivation will definitely be more refined!

But the inspiration flashed past, and the quick response was too late.

Worth... As long as you are still living in the life of this city, the sentiment will always come, or sooner or later.

At this point, Su Luo continued to watch the war between Da Bo Niang and Zhao Auntie in the attitude of a bystander.

When Su Luo looked at the wars of the ordinary people, the big brothers of the Qinglong Empire also looked at them at the moment.

This is exactly the same sentence: You stand on the bridge to see the scenery, watching the scenery people look at you upstairs.

These people in the city, the relationship between the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law, they would not have looked at it a bit, but now, because of the existence of the Soviet Union, they look at it with relish.

Ning touched his beard: "This village is really poor, and even a piece of meat can be eager to be like this."

Chu Taishi shook his head: "The old man was so poor in the village that year. Such a hard time, a blink of an eye has passed for so many years..."

Ps: Another chapter, the ball ticket oh~

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