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At this moment, with the words of Dr. Lu, the eyes of Zhao’s family became more and more weird.

Su Luo looked at Lu Dafu: "Is Lu Dafu not misdiagnosed? My legs and feet can be cured with blood grass."


Dr. Lu delivered his hands behind him, arrogant and full of confidence: "If the blood grass can cure your legs, my head will be cut down and you will sit as a stool!"

Su Luo: "..."

Zhao family: "..."

If we said that they were convinced of Dr. Lu’s medical practice at the beginning, then now... they began to doubt.

It is because of this suspicion that the people of Lu Dafu are in their hearts and some have collapsed.

Su Luo: "Perhaps, is Lu Dafu's medical skills not very good?"

"Joke!" Lu Dafu is really the airway of the Soviet Union: "The old man's medical skills are not high, but within a hundred miles, it is second to none. You dare to question me? A little talk about your life. Can't stand you -"


Dr. Lu’s words haven’t spoken yet, and he’s been laughing at his position and slowly standing up from his position.

"you you you you--"

Lu Daren pointed at the Soviet Union, his fingers trembled, and he was horrified: "You and you... How is this possible? This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

On the side of Sun Da, the brows are slightly picked up at this moment!

The villagers outside are even more open-eyed!

"The girl who stood up?"

"Yesterday, Dr. Lu was not convinced that the girl was absolutely unruly?"

"Don't say yesterday, just now, did Lu Dafu still vowed to say that the girl stood up?"

"Do you still remember the words of Dr. Lu?" If the blood grass can cure your legs, I will cut this head and give you a stool!" Listening to this, how powerful!"

"Oh, do you say that Dr. Lu will really cut his head and give it to the girl to sit on the stool?"

Brush brush -

Everyone's eyes are concentrated on Dr. Lu.

You must know that good mood and good gossip are human nature, so everyone is waiting to see the jokes of Dr. Lu.

At this moment, Lu Dafu is really laughing.

"You, you, how do you stand up?!" Lu Dafu stared at the Soviet Union. "You just just stand up, right?"

Su Luo did not answer his words, but went straight ahead.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Every step of her, she walked steady and steady. Finally, in front of Lu Dafu, the pair of clear and beautiful eyes smiled at Lu Daren.

This face is playing...


The people on the outside were laughing.

The Zhao family couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Lu Daren pointed his eyes at Su Luo: "You, you,... How did you do it?!"

Su Luo staller: "The blood is cured."

Dr. Lu: "This is impossible! Your injury is too serious. It is not a **** flower that can be cured!"

Su Luo: "Maybe Dr. Lu doctor diagnosed wrong? Maybe my leg injury is not serious."

"No! Your leg injury is very serious!"

"Maybe the **** herbs work well."

"Impossible! The efficacy of the blood grass is no better, and your injury is not symptomatic. How can it be cured?"

Su Luo slowly said: "That maybe... is my medical skill much better than Lu Dafu?"

Dr. Lu: "It’s ridiculous! Today’s assessment in the city has already passed the pharmacist, and soon it is the junior refining pharmacist.”

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