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"Forget it, tell you that you don't understand. After all, this is a matter of cultivation. It is understandable that people in your worldly world don't understand."

Dr. Lu showed a superior sense of superiority, and at the moment the heart of the fall -

Just passed the apprentice of the refining pharmacist?

Soon is the junior refining pharmacist?

If Lu Dafu knows that she is a god-level refining pharmacist, will she be scared to vomit and faint in the mouth?

However, this also gave a way to the Soviet Union. If she went to the city to mix the pharmacist profession... wouldn’t it be everyone? !

How can I go to the city? Of course, the Soviet Union will not ask straightforwardly, because this will cause Zhao aunt to be vigilant, so she just secretly remembers this matter in her heart.

Su Luo smiled and looked at Lu Dafu: "So, how does Lu Dafu explain what I can stand up and walk?"

Lu Dafu was speechless by the Soviet Union, and he was very embarrassed.

He can't say anything.

Sun Da is frowning. He said to Zhao Auntie, "Is this girl your home?"

Zhao Auntie said nod. "This girl owes me a lot of money. Now I am living in our house for a while. When she returns the money, she is free."

Sun Dajun: "How much money did she owe you?"

Zhao Auntie: "Forty two."

Sun Da, the general manager: "Twenty-two is it? Very good, here is the four hundred and twenty silver tickets."

Sun Da’s manager was very generous and handed the silver ticket to Zhao Auntie’s hand: “That girl, I am taking it today.”

what? !

When Sun Dajun’s words came out, some people were surprised at the place!

They never thought that things would happen so much!

Sun Da is not the chief of the town's richest grandson, he does not talk nonsense with you, I directly spend money to buy you, how to treat you afterwards is my business.

Zhao Auntie looked at the silver ticket and her eyes were worth it!

This is four hundred and two... four hundred two, four hundred two, four hundred two...

How to choose?

Zhao Er’s screaming foot: “Grandma, you can’t do this! You are not qualified to do this! Your sister is free, why do you sell her?!”

Zhao Auntie is hesitant...

Su Luo was standing next to Zhao Auntie at this moment, so she stepped forward and said a word to Zhao Auntie from the angle that others could not see.

In an instant, Zhao Auntie’s back is cold and her body is stiff!

Sun Daguan frowned: "Zhao Aunt, can you consider it?"

"Think about it." Zhao aunt nodded very seriously.

"Wow, grandma can't, grandma can't sell her sister, grandma-"

Zhao Erzhen and Zhao Xiaowu wow and cry, Zhao Dazhen also sad tears.

Lu Daren’s mouth raised a sneer sneer!

This girl... Good days are over!

Zhao Auntie was stared at the eyes of Sun’s head, and she said that it was unfavorable: “Test, think about it, our family, no, don’t sell!”

what? !

Just when everyone thought that Zhao Auntie would agree, Zhao Auntie vetoed it.

"Mother!" The uncle and the uncle are the first to understand!

However, Zhao Auntie is extremely firm: "Our family is right, and the girl is free. It is the grace of our family. If there is no her, the second and the fifth are dead. Isn’t we not only paying back, but also Is it possible to sell the grace of the public? It doesn’t make sense to say that it’s broken! Isn’t our Zhao family such a ruthless person?!”

"Good! This is a good word!" The villagers applauded.

They said that Zhao’s family is about to get a lot of money, so no matter what Zhao Auntie said, as long as she refuses, everyone will applaud, but –

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