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"Hey sister, what happened?" Zhao Eryi looked at Su Luo inexplicably.

Su Luo laughed: "Your four brothers came over to grab wild pork."

Zhao Erzhen couldn't believe it: "But... this is your prey, my cousin, they will grab me and Xiaowu, but your stuff, how are they... it doesn't make sense."

Soon, Zhao Erzhen saw what it means to be truly shameless.

She also heard the truth in her cousin's mouth.

"What do you say?!" Zhao Erzhen was almost mad at him. "My sister is just renting a house. When is her thing is our Zhao family, and our Zhao family is your big room? You are simply ...... 歪理!"

Zhao Sanlang stared at Zhao Erzhen: "You are a stinky girl outside of eating and eating, actually facing an outsider!"

"Three brothers -"


When Zhao Sanlang shot, he directly pushed Zhao Erqi to the side.

After all, Zhao Erzhen was young, and he was pushed by him. He went backwards and fell to the ground.

Zhao Xiaowu was scared and cried.

However, Zhao Sanlang did not care. He stood with his hands on his hips, and stood fiercely in front of Su Luo. He sneered: "Have you heard the words just now?"

Su Luo's face was slightly converged, and the cold light shot.

She doesn't care about these prey, but Zhao Sanlang just pushed Zhao Erzhen.

"You are pushing down the second." Su’s eyes faintly looked at Zhao Sanlang.

Zhao Sanlang did not put Su Luo in his eyes. He turned his head and greeted his brother: "Big brother, second brother, four brothers, come over, this girl said that we will let this little wild boar let us eat."

Su Luo: "..."

I have seen shameless, but I have never seen such shamelessness.

Zhao Sanlang stunned Su’s eyes: “Hey, still stand this? Move the position!”

Su Luo: "..."

Zhao Sanlang occupied four of his brothers and became a tiger. So he was very arrogant. He took a look at the Soviet Union: "I didn't see the firewood gone? Go and go, pick up the firewood."

Zhao Dizhen and Zhao Sanlang on the side were both grief and grievances, humiliation and helplessness, clenched their fists, but did not know what to do...

Su Luo stood in the same place and carefully felt this feeling.

How long have you not experienced the feelings of this ordinary person?

Being bullied, humiliated, and then counterattacked by the Jedi, against the wind, this kind of hearty feeling is what mortals should have?

"Hey, talk to you, didn't you hear? Is it looking for a fight?!" Zhao Sanlang raised his hand and pushed the Soviet one.

Zhao Erlang frowned and shot: "The little three is enough."

Zhao Sanlang glanced at Zhao Erlang: "Second brother, you should not look at this girl?"

Zhao Erlang did not deny it.

Other brothers have made laughter, Zhao Dalang said: "The second child, you really look at this girl? But to be honest, my brother, I also like her."

what? Big Brother is also fancy?

"Big brother?" Zhao Erlang frowned.

For a time, time has a strange silence.

Su Luo is carefully understanding the anger of mortals.

She stood in the same place, her eyes closed and her five senses closed, so she did not know the thoughts of these teenagers.

"Big brother, are you all looking at her? Hey, you said this, this girl is really better than any girl I have seen before. I decided that I would like her too."

Zhao Dalang and the look of looking for Erlang brushed Zhao Laosan!

However, Zhao Laosi, who is in his teens, is not to be outdone: "I like it too! I want to like it too!"

Zhao Erzhen and Zhao Xiaowu looked at each other and saw the color of fear in each other's eyes!

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