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They are doing this, what are they doing? !

Zhao Erqi and Zhao Xiaowu were anxious and angry, staring nervously at their sister-in-law.

However, ... the immersion in the sensation of the Soviet Union, but completely ignorant of what happened outside.

"That wouldn't be like this..." Zhao Xiaosan proposed: "There are not many men in the ravine ditch to marry a wife? We can do this in our home! Let this girl serve us four people?"

Su Luo just returned to God.

The feelings of the past gave her a lot of feelings. When she was happy, she looked up at the scene when she looked up. She immediately frowned.

what happened?

Zhao Xiaosan’s proposal is simply shocking, but the Zhao family, these teenagers, feel that they are acceptable.

Zhao Dalang shook his head: "Then we don't want to marry her, it will be ridiculed!"

Zhao Xiaosan nodded: "That is natural, who will marry her? We just play with her, and when we are tired of playing, we are disabled, and then sell her to the brothel, hey, can get a lot of money. It."

Zhao Erlang frowned, but Zhao San’s proposal, which he considered with interest, was the most favorable, so he swallowed when he got to his mouth.

"You are shameless! You are hateful!" Zhao Erzhen and Zhao Xiaowu wow!

How come there are such terrible brothers?

"Disgusting! I want to tell your village chief your thoughts! Let the village chief rule you!" Zhao Erzhen said that he would run down the mountain!

Zhao Salang finally reacted at this time.

"The things we discussed just now were heard by this girl. When we went back to the village and rendered it, we will die!" Zhao Sanlang immediately caught up and grabbed Zhao Erzhen!

Zhao Si’s reaction is also very fast, and Zhao Xiaowu’s grasp is firmly fixed!

"Big brother, how do they deal with them?" Zhao San asked Zhao Dalang.

"They...after all, they are blood-related brothers and sisters..." Zhao Dalang was a little hesitant.

But at the moment, Zhao Er shook his head: "No, big brother, can't let them go back. On the contrary, we can use them."

For a time, everyone’s eyes were on Zhao Erlang.

Zhao Erzhen appeared in the sneer of Zhong Zhongyu: "Mother is ridiculed by the villagers because she said that the girl took them two, but if this is the truth?! Can the mother be proud?!"

Zhao Da: "The second child, what do you mean?"

Zhao Er: "Brother and brother, are you not saying that you want to enjoy this girl? If you let her go back to the village, let her run back to ask for help, how can I play with her later?"

"and so?"

"So, the youngest and the fourth, killing the second and the fifth, and burning it with fire, as for our girl..." Zhao Er stared at the Soviet Union, and the smile on his mouth rose like a strange, "Go up again." Fifty meters, isn't there a cave? We hid her, huh, huh."

"This is a good way for the second brother!" Zhao Sanzhao said, "The ordinary people in that place will not go. It is also a safe area. We will hide the girl. Why do you want to play it? And to the outside world, We can say that the girl ran with the second and the fifth, she sold the two children!"

"Ha ha ha, although listening to you, but the feeling of doing bad things... really cool!"

When the four of their brothers discussed, there were no ones, and when they fell, they did not exist.

Su Luo looked at them with the look of an idiot. She had never seen such a stupid person in her life.

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