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I didn't expect Wang to say no directly.

Wei Dawei: "The big scorpion, this..."

Da Bo Niang: "I know who is hitting the prey! That is my son!"

Da Bo Niang was very excited to say: "My four sons have gone hunting in the mountains! Oh, I really didn't expect that these children are so promising. They usually do not shoot, and they are amazing when they are shot, hahaha - ”

Wei Daqian said: "Yes, it is definitely the four sons in your family. Hey, congratulations. After that, the big scorpion wants to eat meat. Isn't it a word? You have to make a fortune in your home. what."

Dabo Niang was overjoyed, but she still akimbo with her hands on her hips. "As for the pigs in the village, hey, I haven’t agreed with my mother, I can see who dares to divide!"

Said, Da Bo Niang twisted her waist, turned out of the door, went straight to the village head.

Su Luo did not know that there were so many things happening in the outside world. For her, these are all small things that are not enough.

There are three things hanging in the mind of Suo.

They are: seven nights Ganoderma lucidum, three-inch blood ginseng, Chiba horse lotus.

These three medicines can be configured with seven blood lotuses.

And the seven blood lotus can cure the serious illness of Mr. Duan.

The jungle is deep and deep.

The more you go, the more you cover the sky, the more dangerous it is.

However, Sue has his own experience in finding medicines because they understand their growth habits.

Soon, Su Luo found the first herb: seven nights of Ganoderma lucidum.

Su Luo knew early that the seven-night Ganoderma lucidum belongs to the high-temperature fungus, but it also likes to survive in the dark.

Therefore, its growth environment determines that it must be born from the back, and only the back surface where the surface temperature is high is possible.

So, Sulu climbed along the ridge and turned over the ridge to the back of the sun -

Sure enough, I saw the seven-night Ganoderma lucidum standing on the cliff.

Because no one has set foot in this place for many years, the seven nights of Ganoderma lucidum are completely natural and bright.

Su Luo carefully took the seven-night Ganoderma lucidum and the fungus with the umbrella all into the small back of the back, which slowly relieved.

Seven nights of Ganoderma lucidum and three inches of blood ginseng are companion creatures.

In the 100 meters around the seven nights of Ganoderma lucidum, there must be three inches of blood ginseng, unless ... three inches of blood ginseng was discovered, was artificially dug away.

If there is a reiki before, the Su Luo directly let go of the gods, within a hundred meters, can be explored in an instant.

But now, after the aura is sealed, she is an ordinary person.

Therefore, the Soviet Union can only draw a range of 100 meters, and then look up from beginning to end.

After the first round of investigation, Su Luo shook his head and found nothing.

However, it is also thought that because of the back yang, there are a lot of dead yellow leaves, and because of the sultry heat, the leaves are rotted into mud, and one foot is stepped down... half a foot is stuck.

And this taste...

Su Luo took out a mask to cover his nose and mouth.

This taste is really not very good.


Where is the thick leaf, where is the three-inch blood group?

Su Luo found that if she blindly searched, she would spend a lot of energy, and it is very likely that there is no gain.

Su Luo touched his chin and began to think.

Three inches of blood ginseng, three inches of blood ginseng...

Normally, things like ginseng should grow in the bitter cold of the north. Only in this kind of place, the blood stasis effect will be good enough.

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