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How can this rot like this...

Blood ginseng is a cool, humid climate, so it should be gentle, or...


Su Luo suddenly blinked!

She should find it in the mixed forest.

Observing the mountain, the Soviets chose a position and walked quickly.

The coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest is indeed on a gentle slope, and it is indeed within 100 meters.

However, there are still many leaves here, and the feet are going down, and the slaps are sizzling.

However, the scope has now been reduced to within ten square meters.

After all the leaves were cleared, the eyes of the Soviets suddenly lit up!


At the root of an old tree, the Soviet Union saw a slight bulge at a glance.

Three-inch blood ginseng, only three inches in the spring, now the season is wrong, the leaves have fallen, and only the roots of the fat are buried in the soil.

This season is not the season of ginseng, because there is no leaf to identify, it is too difficult to find.

Fortunately -

The Soviet Union chose a small scope, otherwise it would be troublesome for her to find it.

After finding the three-inch blood ginseng, the Soviets carefully dug out the entire three-inch blood ginseng.

The root of the three-inch blood ginseng is developed, and the complete root system is one meter long.

After the mud roots were dug out, the Su will pack the three-inch blood ginseng and wrap it in the leaves, which was carefully placed in the back of the back.

But the third herb...

The third type of herbal medicine is called Chiba Ma Lian. There is still no clue in the Soviet Union. It is too difficult to find it in the mountains and mountains. So, Su Luo decided to go down the mountain first.

What Sun did not expect was that her prey had already led to a series of follow-ups.

Da Bo Niang has already found the head of Zhao Village. She is very proud to say that they only have half of the pork in the Zhao family and will never have a whole pig.

However, at this time, the village head has been helping the prey with the young and middle-aged people in the village, so only the village chief received her.

The village chief only felt a headache.

This stupid woman, if it is really his son who has hunt so many prey, then she is not going to walk on the road with her chin on the road?

Dabo Niang was arrogant in the village chief's wife for a while. Wei Dawei saw the face of the village chief's wife so ugly, she immediately took the big Bo Niang out.

In this regard, Dabo Niang is still not happy, and he has a few eyes on Wei Da.

Da Bo Niang just returned to the Zhao family, and Li Li, who came to the second room on the head, was Zhao Erzhen’s mother.

"Two younger brothers." Da Bo Niang took her chin and walked over.

Li’s incomprehensible look at Dabo Niang.

Da Bo Niang proudly said: "You haven't heard of it? Four of my family are now hunting the prey of a big car!"

Lee: "...oh." How did she hear that she was a girl?

Dabo Niang snorted: "Right, I have found a good family for your family, and my mother told you?"

Lee's eyes widened: "What? Mother didn't say it."

Da Bo Niang proudly said: "Go, go to the mother to talk about it, the mother also said, that is the perfect marriage thing. Now the big brothers are dying, there is such a family, they can stand up after the big brother Board, her husbands, can't beat her?"

Her husbands? Upon hearing this, Li’s face suddenly became white!

How suddenly did she have a very bad feeling?

Da Bo Niang is very proud, walking is twisted and twisted, and even she did not let Wei Dawei exit.

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