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Originally, Dabo Niang did not want to let people know that this is her idea. After all, this is not a glorious thing, but people, the most fearful is to forget the shape.

Da Bo Niang is now recognizing that her four sons are promising. She has more sons and more powerful ones. The uncle and the village chief’s wife are not in the eyes, let alone the little Li.

Therefore, she exposed herself without any disguise.

Mrs. Zhao still wants to sneak up on this matter. Who knows, Wang’s direct return of people.

"Mother, I just said it to my second brother and sister. After we married in the past, we are her mother's family, and we will not let people bully her!"

Zhao Laotai looked at Li in amazement: "Do you agree with this?"

Wang: "What is the mother said, how can such a good family, the second brother and sister may not agree."

Li has only reacted to it now: "Mother, Dad, which family did you tell Daxie? I don't know at all."

Mrs. Zhao wants to speak, but Wang, who is proud of it, is the first to take the lead.

Dabo Niang proudly said: "This is still the media made by Feng matchmaker. She said that there is a family member on Mangshan in the north of the town. The three brothers in the family are all good, and the family is also good. The second wife marries the past, guaranteeing... ..."

Lee: "Is that family really so good?"

Da Bo Niang: "Is that right? It is definitely a good family. I also spent a lot of effort to help Daxie find it. Second brother and sister, you can thank me very much."

Da Bo Niang got cheap and sold it.

What if I am exposed? If she used to be a little scared, but now, there are four powerful sons, what are she afraid of? The village head lady has to let her three points!

Li didn't know Wang's inner thoughts. She said weakly: "That... then we are two... are we married to their first son?"

Dabo Niang snorted and immediately waved: "Their sons want to marry, and when they want to marry, they want to marry which one to marry, and follow her heart."

Can it still be like this?

Lee's eyes wide open.

However, Zhao Laotai made a speech: "The marriage period is fixed. Just three days later, are you still preparing for this mother? Are you still stupid?"

After that, Zhao Laotai and Wang Shi joined forces to drive Li away.

Lee always feels that something is wrong...

And inside the house.

Zhao Laotai glared at Wang and poked her head: "Are you a pig? Also telling the town of Mangshan? You are not afraid of her secretly inquiring?!"

Wang was very proud: "If I was before, I was really worried, but now I am worried about a ball!"

Zhao Laotai is holding Wang.

Wang’s laughter: “Mom, you don’t know, Yunsheng, their four brothers are so powerful, they go into the mountains and hit a lot of prey, they can’t lift it!”

“Really?” Zhao is too surprised.

It’s not that he has buried his grandson. It’s really the four children. Usually, at home, one will be lazy, and none will be willing to work. Now hunting is so powerful?

Wang’s glance at Zhao Laotai: “Mom’s expression, as if I was deliberately deceiving you, Xu’s little three sons personally ran down the hill and ran to the village chief’s house. Everyone was there, they all heard it. Where is there a fake?"

Zhao Laotai will be suspicious.

It is... not too convinced.

"It won't be the girl who hit it?" Zhao Laotai thought, the mysterious girl, a strange, actually poisoned her!

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