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You must know that this old man has always been ignorant and serious in order to maintain a fair image. It is rare to laugh a few times today.

The old village chief touched his chin and shook his head.

Mrs. Village Head: "What happened?"

Old village chief: "This girl is smart."

Mrs. Village Head: "Oh? How smart?"

The old village chief: "This girl is not like some people. When things come to the door, it is up to the door. If she has any use, she should first make a good relationship in advance. This is respect for my old village chief!"


Going back on the way.

Zhao Erzhen looked up at the small head: "Hey sister, you haven't said this to the grandfather's grandfather... What should we do?"

Su Luo slammed her head: "Do you think that if the grandfather orders the village chief, can you split up?"

Zhao Erzhen thought about it and shook his head: "It won't."

Su Luo: "Yeah, so the key point of this matter is in your father, not in others."

Zhao Erzhen: "Isn't the idea of ​​grandparents the most important?"

Su Luo laughed: "Your father is the biggest cause, and soon you will know."

Zhao Erkai kicked the small stone under his feet: "Oh... if I am strong enough, I won't... I watched my mother being bullied."

Su Luo thought about it. The days she stayed in the village would not be more than a few days, since she had such a fate with this little girl.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish.

"Do you want to learn to hunt?" asked Su Luo.

Zhao Eryi’s big eyes: “Can I?”

Su Luo: "It’s a horse. It’s a horse. If you pull it out, you know it. Let’s go, let’s go up the mountain.”

On the mountain.

Su Luo picked up a stone and told Zhao Erqi's luck skills, then pointed to a rabbit not far away: "You try."

She said that she has said that if Zhao Erzhen really has no talent, then the Soviet Union will only rest.

call out!

When the small stone was thrown over, Sue squinted!

Because the little stone actually fell on the rabbit!

Although the strength of the rabbit was not enough, the rabbit ran away, but... it was really awkward.

The leaves in the hands of the Soviet Union flew out, and the rabbit’s right hind leg was shot, which was much slower.

Su Luo looked at Zhao Erzhen: "Re-shoot!"

Zhao Erqi’s small stone flew out of his hand, and the rabbit was in the middle of his body. He smashed a blood hole.

Although the rabbit is slow, it is not running.

The first time I shot, I was able to shoot the animals in action. amazing.

"My sister, I want to shoot the rabbit's brain, but I only hit it."

Su Luo: "...not OK, continue."

Su Luo sat there to roast the rabbit, let Zhao Erqi free to play.

This girl didn't know where to come, and was hunting all night.

At first she barely gained, but in the middle of the night, the prey gradually increased.

Su’s hands were resting behind his head, and he took a seat on the ground. He slept and opened his eyes and looked almost scared!

Because of her feet, there are actually seven rabbits!

Su Luo: "Is it all you played?"

Zhao Erzhen was immersed in his excitement: "Sister Sister, it’s weird, I didn’t feel it at first, but in the middle of the night, I felt the warmth of my stomach, when I brought this warm breath to my fingers. The strength of this hand will become very big!"

"Then I throw the small stones out. As long as there are prey, I can basically get rid of me and run."

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