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Su Luo: "You didn't sleep all night?"

Zhao Erzhen: "Hmm."

Su Luo: "Not tired?"

Zhao Erzhen: "Not tired, not only not tired, but also warm all over the body, very comfortable."

Su's hand was placed on the wrist of Zhao Erzhen. After a while, the expression on her face became a bit strange.

"Hey sister, sister-in-law, what happened to me? Am I sick?" Zhao Erzhen was a little nervous.

Su Luo: "Nothing, you... very good."

Of course, according to the setting of the original world of the Soviet Union, Zhao Erzhen is a night into a realm!

"Go ahead, continue hunting."

"Well!" Zhao Eryi ran away happily.

Su Luo touched his chin and a strange idea emerged in his mind.

How can someone enter the border so fast? Is Zhao Erzhen the true genius of the legend? Is there such a possibility?

Even if it wasn't, she always felt that Zhao Erzhen was very strange and seemed to hide a secret.

The Soviet Union was puzzled.

Soon, they went down the mountain, but because of the fact that there was a hunting wild boar before the fall, the villagers they met thought that these prey were hunted by the Soviet Union.

When the Soviets returned home -

Just right, the paragraph treasurer came to the Zhao family with two followers.

"芸 girl." Duan treasurer saw the phoenix dance, smiled.

Su Luo smiled and said the paragraph shopkeeper: "The paragraph shopkeeper is in a good mood, it seems that yesterday's wild boar sold a good price."

Seeing the shopkeeper, Zhao’s other people erect their ears! Especially Zhao Aunt.

There are so many wild boars yesterday, there will be a lot of money!

The paragraph shopkeeper took a look at other people.

Su Luo smiled and waved his hand: "No matter, the paragraph shopkeeper said directly."

The original meaning of the paragraph shopkeeper is that a girl who is a girl, it is best not to reveal the money, but think of her magnificent in the mountains...

Who is her opponent?

Thinking of this, the paragraph shopkeeper nodded: "The wild boar grows well, plus the jungle, the original out of the jungle, because of the big nourishing, so the price will be three times more expensive."

Big nourishing? Su Luo understands that in fact, the so-called big nourishing is the aura.

But they don't know.

The paragraph treasurer said: "All the prey is sold, this is the book, please also look at the girl."

Su Luo took a look at the accounts.

It is very clear that the net weight of each wild boar is recorded, the price is how much, how much is sold, and finally there is a sum.

"Two hundred and two?" Su Luo muttered to himself.

Su Luo said the understatement, but the people around him are wide-eyed!

Two hundred and two silver? !

Everyone else in the Zhao family is facing each other. Is this too much? ! A lot of money! ! !

Cloud girl is rich!

Dabo's heart is moving!

This girl is a mobile cash cow. Who has this cash cow, but can’t make a fortune?

I also said that I want to sell the girl, so the money-making money tree, sell a fart!

Dabo Niang approached Zhao Auntie and whispered a few words in her ear.

Zhao Auntie squinted and nodded: "Yes, let the second child marry her, leave her forever in the Zhao family, and give us a life."

When the shopkeeper opens the box, two hundred and twenty pieces of silver shine and irritate everyone's eyes!

Da Bo Niang clenched her fist!

No matter what, be sure to leave the girl in the big room! No matter what! Raw rice cooked mature rice can be!

Su Luo looked at the shopkeeper and gave a faint smile: "I still change it into a silver ticket. With so much money, I can't carry it."

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