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"Oh? Is the girl going to carry the money? Why?" asked the shopkeeper.

Su Lili said of course: "I can't live in the Zhao family for the rest of my life. Recently I am planning to enter the city. Of course, it is convenient to bring a silver ticket."

When Su’s words came out, he suddenly shocked Da Bo Niang!

"This, this... 芸 girl wants to go?" Dabo Niang exclaimed.

Su Luo smiled a little: "Yes, Zhao family I live in uncomfortable, and there is no sense of belonging, do you have to stay here for a long time?"

Da Bo Niang: "Is not comfortable? How can you feel uncomfortable? Nothing, after the care of you, I will take care of you, is it good?"

"As for the sense of belonging... Haha, what is the difficulty? What do you think of my family?"

Su Luo: "What?"

Da Bo Niang: "My family has to be talented. I want to be proficient, have good looks, and be willing to go forward, and you can go hunting together, very good, right?"

The paragraph shopkeeper took a look at Dabo Niang.

"This big sister, do you want more? How can a girl marry your farmer? It’s ridiculous!" Duan treasurer said to Su Luo, "Hey girl, do you want to live in the town?"

Da Bo Niang suddenly panicked and stared at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo smiled a little: "Okay."


Su Luo: "I always wanted to live in the town, but I didn't have money before. Now that I have money, I have to go to the town."

Say, Su Luo took forty-two and gave it to Zhao Auntie: "This is what I promised to give you before. Now I have given it, Zhao Auntie, I owe it, everyone is clear."

Zhao Auntie had just discussed the plan with Wang, but she did not expect Su Luo to turn her face.

However, the paragraph shopkeeper was watching at the side, Zhao Auntie had no choice but to accept the money and tore the silver ticket.

Su Luo took out the twelve silver, but in the end he thought about it, or changed it to five or two.

She handed the money to Li: "These days I was taken care of, and the five silvers were rented. We will clear them later."

Two clear? What does it mean?

Everyone looked at Su Luo with a look of anger.

Su Luo: "The meaning of the two clears is that you will not come to me in any future, and I will not contact you any more. As for my address in the town, you don't need to know, understand?"

It’s so cold, cold, ruthless... everyone looks at Su’s face with a sullen look.

This flipping face is too fast.

Zhao Erzhen was trying to talk, but Su Luo used her eyes to signal her.

Zhao Erji knows.

It turns out that my sister is in the middle of...

But my sister obviously didn't want her to say it, so Zhao Erzhen was very smart and chose not to say.

"Let's go." Su Luo said to the shopkeeper.

The paragraph shopkeeper was also scared by the cool and neat action of the Soviet Union. After the reaction, he nodded: "Well, let's go, let's go."

Su Luo and Duanzhang went to the carriage.

Dabo Niang finally reacted, and she rushed to the Soviet Union and grabbed the hand of Su Luo.

"芸 girl, girl, etc. -"

Wang took a deep breath: "How can you say that you are leaving? Do you forget the grace of our Zhao family to take care of you? Why are you leaving?"

Wang’s heart is now thinking of leaving the Soviet Union.

As long as she stays, she has a way to cook raw rice!

No matter which son married her, just smash the money tree.

If a few sons want to be embarrassed... then let her be a son by a few sons... So, there is a handle in hand, and she still wants to run!

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