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"Damn Li Yaoyao!" Zi Yan is desperate to catch his hair.

Bei Chen Ying anxiously said: "Hurry up and find a way, this old thing wakes up, who can resist the living?"

The ancient strong atmosphere is getting more and more intense, and people are tempted to escape the road.

Although Bei Chenying does not know the extent to which this old guy is strong, he can say with certainty that among all the people he has seen in his life, this is the most powerful and scary.

The face of Nangong Liuyun is also gloomy to the extreme, because he does not have a half-win grasp.

"Squeaky--" The heavy squeaky cover made a loud noise, and each sound was like a drum, and it slammed the hearts of everyone.

"Alert, prepare to fight!" Nangong Liuyun stepped forward and stood at the forefront of the team.

At this time, his face was cold and he was as serious as ever.

The mysterious snoring a few times and stopped.

But everyone’s heart is playing drums...


It didn't take long for me to hear the sound of "啪嗒"!

The thick enamel cover fell to the ground and smashed the white marble floor.

It’s quiet, black and lacquered.

Surrounded by a quiet and extreme atmosphere.

Everyone was holding their breath, their eyes wide open, and they were concentrating on the dark enamel.

The strong and horrible atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, just listen to the sound of a bang!

The strange corpse in that squat was sitting upright.

I saw that his body was dark, his head was triangular, his eyes were convex, and his nose was collapsed. According to human standards, it was ugly.

However, no one dared to laugh at this time.

Because of this strange corpse, although the eyes are closed, the black airflow from his nose.

This strange body does not know whether it is dead or alive. If he is alive, he is sitting in a shackle stiffly, his eyes closed and he does not move.

If he is dead, but he will also spray a powerful and powerful airflow.

After the night jewel in the air was filled by the black air, it could be turned into a powder after a few nights around the Pearl.

Seeing this, all the faces of the people have changed greatly, and even the face of Nangong Liuyun has sunk.

"The black air flow is very aggressive and corrosive. Everyone should be careful." Nangong Liuyun frowned, his face was cold and cautious.

The black airflow does not linger in the air for a long time, and as more and more black air is ejected, there are fewer and fewer safe places.

"How is this black air flow gone?" Bei Chen Ying was anxious.

Su Luo is also anxious.

The black airflow will not disappear, only the more the more spray, when they do not fight, they will be directly crushed into powder by the black airflow.

Suddenly, the Soviet Union slaps his head.

Ginseng doll!

How did she forget this baby?

Su Luo turned to ginseng dolls and eagerly asked: "Quickly tell my sister, how can I stop the black airflow?"

If you kill the strange body, you don’t even have to think about it!

Because the strength of the corpse is more powerful than the Nangong stream, it should be into the legendary sanctuary, and it is still a very powerful existence in the sanctuary.

The ginseng doll sucked the white fat little finger, licking his small face, and a pair of black and white eyes clearly looked at Su Luo: "West Seven Drink, make up the West."

"What is he talking about?" Nangong Liuyun’s head was topped with a huge question mark.

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