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"He said that these black airflows are delicious, very complementary." Su Luo supported the forehead silently.

Everyone heard the words, their eyes were mosquito-like...

The big tail of the Soviet Union has become a kind-hearted sheep. It touches the small head of the ginseng doll and reveals the smile of the abducted child: "Don't these black airflows be your daily food?"

"Well, ah." The ginseng little doll nodded.

The Soviet Union is graceless and silent.

This dazzling black airflow is the food for the ginseng dolls. I dare to feel that their group of people is so bad that they just happened to meet.

Perhaps it is very good for ginseng dolls, but for them, this is a very deadly existence.

Su Luo asked with a smile: "Since such a black airflow is very replenishing, it is a pity that it is a waste. Is there a way to stop it?"

The ginseng little doll licked his face and looked confused: "Clay ribbed paint?"

"What is he talking about?" Bei Chenying saw them a big one, and the black air flow gradually approached, and asked in a hurry.

"He said that this black airflow is his food, and he is very hospitable to invite us to eat." The voice of Su Luo did not fall, and I saw the face of Beichen Ying, a constipation.

"Eat, eat, eat?" Bei Chen Ying's eyes are as big as a copper bell, unbelievable to the extreme.

Su Luo shrugged: "The original words are like this."

Everyone was speechless, and there was a strange silence in the room.

Su Luo continued her lure: "We don't eat, are you the way? Tell your sister, okay?"

Seeing that the black air is getting closer and closer, everyone is constantly retreating...

The ginseng doll looked at Su Luo with a poor look: the pretty sister is so stupid, don't eat anything so delicious.

"The medicine is Buddha. Just five early mornings." The ginseng doll waved his hand and walked forward with arrogance.

Who knows, the ginseng doll went to the place where it was.

Bei Chenying secretly pulled down La Sule: "Is this little fat baby saying?"

Su’s look calm: “He said he has a way, we are right with him.”

"But..." The place is covered with a circle of dense fog-like airflow, and the black pressure is like a cloud. If it is touched a little, will it be turned into powder?

"Things are not that bad."

Because she found that where the ginseng doll went, the black airflow was absorbed by him, and a small path was automatically vacated.

"Go." Nangong Liuyun took the initiative and took the Soviet Union and the back of the ginseng doll.

The rest of the people saw this and they all followed suit.

Behind the raft, a small piece of land was not eroded by the black airflow.

In front of the site, there is a slightly higher stone platform with two swords on the stone platform.

A blue sword is dazzling.

A black sword is dull.

These two swords don't know how long they have existed, and like that, the whole body exudes a long and quaint atmosphere.

Now, the little ginseng doll is standing in that place, pointing to the two swords in front, and said to Su Luo: "Drip and send up, let's play."

“Hey?” Bei Chenying now directly treats Su Luo as a translation officer. The little ginseng doll said something, he asked.

"He said that the two swords could be pulled up, and it would be fine." Su said with a smile.

"It's that simple?" Bei Chenying still believes in himself. He goes straight to the sword. "If that's the case, then you should die as a horse doctor. Give it a try."

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