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But is this sword so well pulled out?

That is the shadow of the sword, but also to devour the spiritual power!

You are basically standing still and standing still, and where is the spiritual power to swallow it?

Everyone looked at the Soviet Union with a sorrowful look... The seven sons sent the gold gloves in person, and finally the Soviet Union could not pull it out.

At this time, the corner of the Su’s mouth was a touch of faint smile.

Indeed, the spiritual power of her body is not enough to pull out the sword, but just now, when the seven sons left, they gave her a voice and told her a very simple method.

Su Luo took out a bottle of Tianling water from his sleeve, and took the master-level Ling Yuandan into it. He picked up the small porcelain bottle and shook it.

"What is she doing?" Luo Dieyi still puzzled.

"Maybe... want to drink in?" Luo Xiaochen said that some of them are not confident.

With Su's current physical condition, can she withstand such a spiritual impact? In this regard, Luo Haochen expressed doubts.

However, he only said half of this.

I saw Su's left hand lifted the already dissolved Tianling water, and slowly poured the mixture of medicine into the shadow sword like a clear spring.

"Does she think that this will make up the spiritual power of Cheng Yingjian? Hahaha, this is simply ridiculous!" Luo Dieyi hands akimbo, mocking sneer.

She is very clear about how terrible the demand for spiritual power is swallowed by the Shadow Shadow Sword.

However, Luo Dieyi just burst into a grin, and soon, the smile was stiff in the corner of his mouth.

She even watched Su Luo pull the handle of the sword!

How can this be!

Luo Zhiyi blinked his eyes incredulously, then opened his eyes and looked at him -

She really has no eyes!

Su Luo actually really pulled up the shadow sword!

The method she used is so simple, but it works directly!

Luo Zhiyi’s eyes are wide open, and I don’t know how to react for a while... If I knew... if I knew...

Not only was Luo Dieyi so, everyone in the room looked at Su Luo with a full of magical eyes.

This Nima is a miracle. Is there wood? All the people who have been trained as high-powered have tried it. It is useless, and there is no way. However, at the last moment, the gimmick that the company could not walk can not be missed.

That is not another sword, but it is a shadow sword!

Thinking of this, Li Yaoyao and Luo Dieyi covered their chests with both hands, almost closed their eyes and fainted.

Just as the Soviet Union pulled out the sword, the black air in the air began to be sucked back slowly by the strange body!

"Let's fall, congratulations!" Zixiao's smile came from the heart, she was really happy for Su Luo.

Akasaka, Seon-yin, this is a pair of peerless swords, now in the hands of Nangong and Sulu, is this not the most suitable?

Sue wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled and said: "Luck, luck."

"Luck is also a part of strength, and more important than strength." Nangong Liu Yunyun's head.

Although his strength is not good, but the biggest advantage is always in her hands, what is it, is not luck?

"The luck is illusory, or the strength is the most reliable." Su Luo said with a smile.

If the seven sons did not come at the crucial moment, then she would have to arrest.

The black mist dissipated, and I should have seized the time to find the portal to the ninth gate. However, everyone injured at this time, coma in a coma, and low fighting power, so Nangong Liuyun announced that he would rest at the eighth level of i. Late, go up tomorrow.

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