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Just when everyone was resting, the ginseng doll that had disappeared before disappeared to the face of Su Luo.

Su Luo saw that it was very cute, so he licked its small head, took it and sat in his arms to tease and play, and gave him a bottle of water.

"The cover is a deny." The ginseng doll casts a peach, and draws a thin root from its own body, handing it to the Soviet Union.

"This is..." Something like ginseng.

The ginseng doll smiled mysteriously, then spread the calf and ran away.

Su Luo shook his head and smiled. However, since it is a gift from the ginseng doll, she will accept it as a memorial.

The ninth-floor portal was not easy to find, and everyone found it for seven days before finally finding it at the bottom of the raft.

Taking advantage of these seven days, the injuries on the people are more or less recuperated.

Through the transmission array, the pedestrian came to the ninth floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the transmission array, Su Luo felt a little breathless.

Nangong Liuyun took the opportunity to pull up her hand, and the constant spiritual power was introduced into her body from the palm of her hand. With the spiritual support of Nangong Liuyun, Su Luo was barely better.

Here is a world of snow and ice.

At first glance, surrounded by white, all the sky and the ground are full of snow and snow, it is worthy of the veritable snow plateau.

This is the second step. Luo Dieyi is screaming: "What happened? How is the spiritual pressure here so powerful?"

Not only did Luo Dieyi feel it, but everyone in the room felt this way.

Indeed, this ninth layer of spirit is extremely powerful, as if a thick liquid is condensed in the air, it seems that people are firmly stuck to the ground, and it is very difficult to take a step forward.

"Ha ha ha -"

In the sky, suddenly a loud laughter broke out.

This laughter is very familiar to everyone because it has appeared several times in front of them.

The nine-fold temple master?

After disappearing for so long, his old man can finally be shown.

In the white sky, a huge face slowly emerged, covering almost half of the sky.

"I didn't expect you guys to live alive to the ninth floor, hahaha, yes, good, although some people cheated, but..." The nine-pointed master remembered that the other party sent him a bottle of Jiuxiang Qiongye. I closed my eyes with one eye. "Is it feeling that the spirit is under pressure? You will fight in such an environment."

"This is not fair!" Li Yaoyao screamed.

In this case, the ones who are under pressure are almost out of breath, and they are not able to make a fuss, let alone fight in such a situation.

Even if Zi Yan hates Li Yaoyao again, she fully agrees with her point of view. This is basically the rhythm of death.

Who knows, the Nine Lords laughed happily: "The so-called death level, is it so easy? Tell you! This ninth level is the beginning of the real death level! From now on, your teammates will be one by one. Die! Finally, only two people can live! Hahaha-"

The laughter of the nine-fold lord is like a thunderstorm. The shocked eardrum is sore and dizzy.

Only two people can live?

When I heard this sentence, everyone suddenly stopped.

They did not expect that the elimination rate would be so high.

A group of eight people, can only survive two people?

"Now, you only have three days." The voice of the nine-fold lord has some kind of confusion. "In these three days, as long as you only have two people left, then the ninth pass will be over. The rewards will be very generous."

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