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Having said that, the deputy generals and vice-presidents are still unhappy and bitter.

"Okay, the two of you went out to appease the soldiers, lest the army be shaken and change." Mu Zifeng sent the two powerful men out.

Before, he resisted the attack of the ninth-order powerhouse and suffered serious internal injuries.

After the two deputy deputies left, Mu Zifeng’s strong support could no longer be supported, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed from his mouth, and the tragic viscera almost vomited out.

For a long while, Mu Zifeng just gasped and lay back on the bed.

When the two armies confront each other, one side is arrogant, and one side is mourning.

However, will the arrival of the Soviet Union change this situation?

Su Luo did not know that the North Elders sent the masters to the battlefield so quickly, and they just participated in the war as soon as they arrived, helping Bei Mo to fight an unprecedented victory.

At this time, the black wind is high, and the bright moonlight is blocked by thick clouds, revealing a touch of light.

This night, the visibility is very low.

But there is no difference to the Soviet Union.

Looking at the rows of towering tents in front of them, the corners of the Soviet Union evoked a strange sneer.

The Northern Million Army is stationed within a radius of 20 miles. Because of the big victory, at this time, they are holding a happy bonfire meeting.

Outside the camp, a team of soldiers guarded.

These soldiers are very strong in terms of the Northern Desert Army, because they also have the fourth-order worst. But for the Soviet Union, these are just squatting ants that can be annihilated by their fingers.

At this point, Su Luo’s heart was quite sentimental. When she went to Bauhinia Island for fishing, it was only three or four steps. I didn't expect it to be a blink of an eye. She could look back and see these fourth-order fighters as ants.

It is no wonder that countless people are constantly climbing the peak on the road of the strong, because the stronger the strength, the higher the station.

Su Luo thought about it, and his body was shot like a ghost into the camp.

Because it used teleportation, only a blink of an eye, Su Luo came to the inside of the camp.

When the Soviet Union appeared, luck was not so good!

Because her figure just emerged, she found that there was a soldier holding a roast whole sheep directly across from her.

The soldier saw the Soviet fall appearing in the void and was completely scared. He just wanted to yell at the ghost, but he had not waited for him to scream, and the dagger in his hand wiped his neck, and then, poor. The soldier suddenly closed his mouth forever.

Standing on the channel where people come and go, the chances of being discovered are great. Su Luo thought about it, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Since it is necessary to do something big in the army of the North Desert, the equipment must be prepared first. If you meet this soldier so well, then borrow his clothes first. Su Luo looked up and down the soldier and found that he was not very tall, so she was more satisfied with the suit.

Drag the soldier's body into the tent on the side, and Su will hide him under the bed, then clap his hands and sway out.

At this time, the Soviet Union was dressed up, the helmet on the head was very low, and it was on this black night. Therefore, the chance of exposure to the Soviet Union was still very low.

Su Luo just got into the team.

Over there, the figure of the ink ancestors appeared in the air.

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