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The old ancestors of the ink came close to the breath of the Soviet Union. At this time, he directly entered the camp in Beimo.

At this point, the ink ancestor stood in the air and looked at the people who came and went down. He suddenly became angry!

Because he found that these people are wearing the same clothes.

In this way, he could not find his food!


The old ancestors of the ink were played by the Soviet Union on the way, and they had already reached the edge of anger. At this time, they saw this odious camp, and the anger suddenly burst out like a magma!

For a time, a strong pressure enveloped the entire camp.

The northern desert soldiers who had been immersed in the bonfire barbecue underneath were suddenly mourned, and their hearts were covered by the shadow of death.

"Go to **** -!!!" The ink of the old man in the palm of the hand contains endless chills, like a wave of wild rushing out!

Countless hail burst into the air.

"God! What the **** is going on here? How can it be hail in the big night?"

"Who is the dirty old man in the air? Are these hail thrown down?"

"Run, run!"

"Ah, my head -"


For a time, the camp, which was originally very happy, was suddenly trapped in prison, countless noises, helpless voices, and shouts.

You know, this is not a team of 100 people, not a thousand people, but a whole million men! How many consequences will this have caused millions of people to flee?

Step on!

There is no doubt that it is trampling!

The vertical hail of hail in midair contains a strong killing temper. As soon as they are hit, these soldiers suddenly break their blood and the whole person breaks into slag.

Therefore, countless people want to escape, countless people want to run.

However, this black crushed camp was all shrouded, and where can they run?

At this time, Zhao Dashuai, who was still proud of himself, looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly the whole person was dumbfounded.

"This, what the **** is going on!" Zhao Dashuai was so mad that he vomited blood.

This is a whole million people. In order to attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty, His Majesty mobilized all the elite troops to him, but -

Zhao Dashuai looked at the countless bodies and blood in front of him, and the whole face became pale and his body was almost unable to stand.

"God, that person is--" When I saw who was in the air, who was in the middle of the hail, Zhao Dashuo shook his body and spurted out.

Is the Weiyang Palace Mohist not an alliance with the Northern Desert Royals? How can you take the lead in attacking the North Desert? Did the Mojia and Dongjin Nangong royalty have joined forces? And for this worldly war, they actually dispatched the ancestors of Mohist!

Zhao Dashuai's whole person is going crazy, his eyes are full of bright red blood, his face is stiff due to excessive scare, and his muscles are shaking.

"Ink, ink ancestors ... I beg you to stop working, hurry up!" Zhao Dashuai cried in panic.

Rao is the commander of the army of millions, but in the face of such a powerful peerless master, his voice is involuntarily brought a trembling, revealing the deepest panic in his heart.

Zhao Dashuai's voice has a hint of spiritual power, which is quite obvious in the noisy venue.

At this time, the ink ancestor was releasing the spiritual power to find the Soviet Union. When he heard the sound, he turned his head and looked at it.

Seeing the old ancestors of the ink, Zhao Dashuai suddenly rejoiced. He cried in surprise. "What do you want from the elderly, just let me know, I beg you, don't go down again."

It’s the privilege of God to go down to the ice, but now the old ink ancestors did not control one side of the world?

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