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At this time, the small stone manipulated the body of the ink ancestor, opened his eyes from the meditation, and stood up suddenly: "The trouble is coming."

These days, the small stone has been practicing the body of the ink ancestor, and now it has become more skilled in manipulating, and it seems that it is not so illegal.

"What?" Su Luo put down the Nangong Liuyun wide palm, asked softly.

"The person who is looking for your account has come." The little stone stunned the Soviet Union with a sigh of relief. "The ability to make troubles is second to you. No one can dare to call the first place on this continent, and it is provoked to provoke They are all powerful."

"Looking for me to settle accounts?" Su Luo touched the back of his head, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then flashed a trace of sadness, "No? The elders of Weiyang Palace? But he has not seen me face? Should not recognize it. What?"

When I think about it, the elder is not looking for trouble with Su, but who can find it? She was just wandering around the North Desert City, what was the result? The entire palace was destroyed, the entire military camp was buried alive, and the foundation of the North Desert Xuanyuan family accumulated nearly a hundred years, almost destroyed by her.

If the elder is recognized by the elders, it is the chief culprit of all these things. If he is dead, he will first annihilate the Soviet Union.

"It’s not stupid to get home, you guessed it." The little stone smiled slyly. "The big elder has never seen your face, but the aura that escaped when you teleported, maybe he Will always remember."

"Isn't it?" Su Luo grabbed his hair in a tangled manner. "If you are recognized, you will be finished."

"Well, it will be finished, and it is the kind of chicken flying eggs." The small stone smiled and slammed the Soviet Union.

Su Luo mourned: "Shi Ye, ask for help!"

The small stones clasped the chest with both hands, and proudly raised the chin: "My grandfather can only issue ten-order strength at most. The great elder is the leader of the peak, and I can't beat the young master."

So, is the small stone avoiding participation? Sue’s eyes smacked a smile: “Are you sure you will not fight?”

"Do not participate in the war." A small stone came to ask me to ask me, I will help you look like a proud look.

However, Su Luo did not ask him, but smiled low.

"What are you laughing at?" The little stone was laughed a bit inexplicably. The strong enemy is coming to the door, she even laughed? What are you laughing laughing?

Su's lips twitched slightly: "Nangong is now at the most critical moment of repair, his body is not suitable for moving, so you don't have to think about escaping this road. Now there is only one choice to face the elders."

"Uh huh." The small stone is not allowed.

"But, I said small stones, don't you forget who you are now?" Su Luo smiled and clearly reminded him, "Don't forget, the ink ancestor is the chief culprit in the destruction of the palace, ink. The ancestors were the murderers of a million soldiers."

Therefore, the attack of the elders must be directed at the small stones. Even if he does not want to fight, he can only hold on to the scalp.

The face of the little stone suddenly changed.

Just now he was still laughing and falling, and now in a blink of an eye, he became the one who was laughed. The small stone is so depressed that the body of the ink ancestor is not good at all. Now it is a bunch of troubles, really annoying.

"Hey, stinky, this time makes you take advantage of it." After the small stone finished, he opened the curtain and went straight out.

- The title of the book has been sorted out and handed over to the editor. If it is adopted, it will be announced at the time~~

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