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After the small stone went out, he looked up and saw the scene in front of him. He suddenly groaned.

The elders did come, but at this time he still had two people in his hand. Did he still know these two people?

It turned out to be Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying.

The little stone secretly pouted, how could this stupid boy and the silly girl be so badly transported and caught by the elders?

At this time, Su Luo also walked out of the cabin, looked up at the two men, and the idea of ​​a small stone emerged in his heart.

Bei Chen Ying and Zi Yan brushed their faces and looked at the Soviet Union coming out from the rear.

Bei Chen Ying’s scorpion just wanted to call it out, but he was kicked by Zi Zi, so that he would kick him. Yes, if you call it out at this time, then they will really be killed by the elders.

Su was silently watching the two guys who kept releasing the distress signal, and his heart was speechless. Did the two children go to the kite with Mo Yunfeng? It seems that it has escaped, but it has been so badly hit into the hands of the angry elders, hehe. However, at this time, she was too late to hide. Where can I dare to ask the elders to ask for help? It seems that I can only act on the plane.

At this time, there is a strange silence around.

Both sides have their own jealousy.

The elders are jealous of the strength of the ancestors.

The small stones that have the body of the ink ancestors can only be played out in ten steps, so no one speaks at this time.

Suddenly, the little stone squinted at the eyes and rushed to the elders with anger. The cold voice screamed: "Dare to disturb the old man to clean up, so big courage!"

The powerful coldness came out, and the elders of the embarrassed can't help but step back.

The big elders have five flavors in their hearts. This ink ancestor is the chief culprit in the destruction of the North Desert Palace! Now the enemy is in front of him, but he can't do anything!

The elders tightened their fists and ran their heads and asked: "Mr. ancestors, may I ask if the Bei Mo military camp outside the hundred miles is sinking, is it related to you?"

The elders who had been hotly called by Mr. Mo's brother, have been forced to change their mouths.

When the elders said this sentence, their hands clenched into fists, and their hearts were very angry. Having said that, the elders thought that the tragic death of the millions of male soldiers had a direct relationship with the old madman!

Su’s eyes squinted and sneaked a small stone.

At this time, the momentum is the most important. If the elders have the upper hand in the momentum, it will be easy to be discovered. As a result, the lives of all the people here will be pinched in the palm of the hand. After all, the small stone is the tenth-order strength... There are some concerns in the heart of the Soviet Union.

At this time, the small stone snorted, and the face that had been cut like a knife was solemnly grounded, and there was a kind of anger that was not arrogant.

After he had hands crossed, he stood proudly and glanced at the elders coldly. This eye is like a squally shower, and it is like flying sand, and there is murderousness in the cold ice. This is the pressure of the top strong and the body!

Although the small stone did not have the repair of the ink ancestors, but this body was used by the ink ancestors before, so the body still has the momentum that belongs to him, plus the small stone used to pretend, so the elders suddenly Was caught.

Only this one eyes, let the elders retreat a few steps, and finally stabilized the mind, but the arrogance in his heart is indescribable.

- On the big weekend, everyone is resting and saying...

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