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At this point, he turned to look at Master Yun Yun.

Li Aochen is waiting for Master Yun Yun to announce the results of the game.

Master Rong Yun’s eyes are like unparalleled sea water.

He stood still and looked at the distance, silent.

Such a person, no one dares to disturb.

The last trace of the incense, flickering -

Master Rong Yun slowly sighed.

Everyone also sighed.

When the time is up, the Soviet Union has not yet arrived, which means she abstained.

Just at this critical moment -

Just at the moment when Yao Chi’s family laughed and laughed.

Suddenly, the Soviets flew in the air and settled on the battle platform.

"Li Aochen, do you want to abstain automatically?" Su Luo smiled coldly, and his mouth screamed evilly.

Because Li Aochen has gone to the edge of the battle table at this time.

Only when Master Yun Yun announced the results of the competition, he would enter the VIP seat of Yaojia Lijia.

However, Su Luo appeared unexpectedly.

"You actually came?" Li Aochen looked at the glamorous girl in front of her eyes and frowned slightly.

"What? Don't dare to fight with me?"

"Don't dare to fight with you?" Li Aochen seems to hear the best joke in the world, laughing out loudly. "Sue, you are the thickest person I have ever seen in my life, no one."

"It can be seen that the world you have seen is too little."

At this time, Su Luo is just a fist, and he is eager to try, just waiting for a battle to become famous.

Li Aochen, now I can introduce you for a little while, and after fighting, you will know that this girl is amazing. Su Xin’s heart is more and more smug.

But Li Aochen, this poor baby, doesn't know. He didn't know at all that all his cards were exposed in front of the Soviet Union, and this time, Su Luo had been fighting his replica, and he was more aware of his moves than himself.

"Li Aochen, make a move." Su Luo stood faintly in place, lips, slowly swelled.

Li Aochen saw that he was determined to fight, and he couldn't help but sneer a few times: "There is no voice, you are really sure to fight? If you admit defeat now, you can still go intact."

"Do you think that I will come over to the battle platform in person, in full view, just to admit defeat with you? Is my ear an accident, or your brain is faulty." Su Luo felt that Li Aochen had too much nonsense.

She was so excited that she only had a punch, and he actually said that it was endless.

"Well, since you are not looking for death yourself, then you can be perfect!" Li Aochen's face showed a hint of haze.

His temper was completely aroused by the Soviet Union.

The excitement in the heart of Su Luo rose a little.

Li Aochen, you will know when you wait, what you want to die can't die!

Li Aochen saw the evil smile in the eyes of Su Luo, a bad hunch rises slowly in his heart... Why do you feel so uneasy? Obviously his strength is far better than the scent of the Soviet Union.

It must be that stinking stupidity! Li Aochen thinks that this is the anger.

His sleeves shook, and a cold sword suddenly appeared in his hands.

"Kill!" Li Aochen screamed, his body shaped like a cannonball and went straight toward the Soviet Union!

Looking at the Li Aochen who came with a shocking force, Su’s body was not moving, his eyes were dangerously half-squatting, and his mouth slightly provoked a smug and sneer.

Li Aochen! This girl died nine hundred and ninety-nine times, now it is your turn!


It’s very fun to interact with a lot of children’s papers on Sina Weibo, but I’ve found that a few children are wrong, and they’re running other people’s microblogs, and they’re not coming back~~~~ sigh. Then remind me again, to search for the "Sui Xiaowen's Weibo" these six words, the first one with V certification is your home author, remember that Ha ~ ~ ~ reminder more wrong people, shame, there are wood ~~~~

PS: The update of the 15th is complete.

PS: This book is not finished yet, at least not recently.

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