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After a thousand simulations in the virtual battle platform, even if the Soviet Union closed his eyes, he could calculate the falling sword of Li Aochen with his feelings.

At this point, the corner of the Soviet Union's mouth sneered, and then the soles of the feet moved quickly.

As a result, Li Aochen’s original sword could kill the idea of ​​the Soviet Union and completely lost.

Can she figure out where she left her knife? How can this be? It must be a coincidence!

Li Aochen did not believe that Su Luo would read the mind.

At this time, he waved a cold sword and stabbed him down!

The sole of the Sue was slippery and it was easy and easy to avoid this fatal blow.

Li Aochen’s eyes are almost straight!

How can this be? His thirteen swords are his biggest card, and the Soviet Union is just a small nine-order. How could she hide in the past?

And looking at her position, it is as if the enemy is ahead, and it is too strange to know where the next sword will be stabbed.

At this point, Li Ao was full of brains and thoughts, watching Su’s eyes with suspicious colors.

Su Luo smacked his lips and glared at him with enthusiasm: "How? Concede?"

"Peace! Hahahahaha!" Li Aofeng screamed in the sky, then pointed to the peak, pointing coldly to Su Luo: "How can I admit defeat before killing you!"

"Then let the horse come over." The Soviet Union calmly stood and calmly hooked his fingers at him.

"Damn!" Li Aochen's heart is like a horse running wildly.

He was a tenth-order man, and he was despised by the nine-stage sin. How did he swallow this breath?

"Look at the trick!" Li Aochen screamed and waved his cold sword and rushed up.


Ten swords pass by, but every time Su can easily and accurately avoid the past!

Li Aochen is stunned by the Soviet Union, and his eyes are as unbelievable as a ghost.

What exactly is going on? Did Su Luo train specifically for his own thirteen swords? Otherwise how could she not even touch her clothes?

Poor Li Aochen knows where, on the simulated platform, Su Luo has already fought with him a thousand times. Of these, 999 times, he is Li Fengchen.

Until this morning's game, Su Luo finally figured out the law of Li Aochen, and he had confidence in winning.

Li Aochen continued to attack, and the thirteen swords of the gods came out. Not to mention killing the Soviet Union, even the clothes of the Soviet Union could not be touched, which made him anxious.

Under the stage, everyone looked dumbfounded.

"What is this all about? Li Lichen has been chasing for so long, even the fur of the Soviet Union can't touch it?"

“Is it that Li Aochen is secretly releasing water?”

"This is impossible! I heard that the hatred of Yao Chi and Su Luo is so big that it is possible to kill the Soviet Union, but it is absolutely impossible to sneak out the water!"

"Is that it is... Li Aochen has no legendary strength?"

"You are stupid? His ten-step strength is recognized. Do you think that those ancestors are blind? Can you not see the tenth order?"

"That... can it be said that the Soviet Union has a strength beyond the ninth order?"

When the words came out, everyone was silent.

At the beginning of this game, the Soviet Union appeared in the eighth-order strength. At that time, she was splashed with water by various shady arguments. Everyone thought that she had no strength but only her master, but now -

How long has it been!

Su Luo she turned out to be ... even the ten-order Li Aochen took her no way.

Under the stage, Nangong Liuyun leaned comfortably on the VIP chair in the most comfortable position.

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