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Suzuo’s mouth dried up and swallowed hard. To be honest, calm as her, but also shocked by this fact.

At least in her cognition, like the family of the family, it is only the commander level, and those ancestors are also the Lord.

"How many people are there in the organization above the Lord's level?" Su Luo covered the shock of the eyes and asked indifferently.

"Fifty, more." The black girl proudly smacked her lips. "So, even if you know the information in the organization is useless, you can't compete on the mainland!" Still above? Su Luo has an impulse to vomit blood.

In other words, at least 50 or more of the top ancestors of the ink ancestor level. Su Luo took a deep breath and suppressed this shocking news. The corner of his mouth slowly evoked a cold sarcasm: "If you dare to speak, you know the consequences."

"Hey, believe it or not." The girl in black is cold-eyed. "If you dare to insult me, the organization will never let you go!"

"The name of your organization?" Su Luo raised his eyebrows.

"Stabbing." When the black girl mentioned these two words, the eyes were gleaming, and she was obviously proud of the name.

When Su Luo heard these two words, his heart suddenly shook.

Although she had already thought of this possibility, when the girl said the truth, she was still amazed at her.

Sting, stinging...

This name, Su Luo heard more than once mentioned.

When I was in the Western Jin Dynasty, what the old emperor said to her was still vivid. When I mentioned these two words at the time, he was so nervous, sneaky, scared and terrified.

He said that the North Korean royal family was annihilated overnight and disappeared into history.

Master said that the emperor of the northern desert royal family had a shot and killed the northern desert royal family overnight.

In other words, the person who ruined the northern desert royal family for the mother was stabbing the organization.

Stinging... a terrible existence.

"Why do you want to kill me?" Su Luo stared indifferently at the girl in black, his eyes flashing cold, like two cold-handed and cold-knife knives, smashing into the black girl.

The black girl bit her lower lip and don't look away.

"Don't want to say it?" Su Luo squatted down, and the dagger was smeared on the face of the black girl. "So, I want to dig your eyes, your nose is separated, your ears are smashed, maybe you will say it, yes. What?"

"You want to kill and kill! What is the waste?" The girl in black screamed at the Soviet Union.

"I want to irritate me? So let me kill you with a knife. Is it a hundred? I think you probably forgot, those who are very interested in ****. And even if you dig your eyes, your nose is cut, When the ear is smashed, it will still be thrown to the cockroach to enjoy it." The words of the Soviet Union annihilated the whims of the black girl.


"Let's talk." Su was calmly sitting in a chair, slowly picking his chin, looking at her like a smile.

"Tell me!" The girl in black snorted, "because Su Qing."

"Su Qing?" Su Lu brows deeply wrinkled, "What is Guan Suqing?"

The last time she and Su Qing had a duel with her, she had only five steps, but this time, Su Qing actually went up to the ninth order. This is a very unbelievable thing. Can it be said that the disappearance of Su Qing was related to the stabbing organization? ?

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