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"Su Qing, there is another name, called Dance Bar." The black girl proudly and provocatively took a look at the Soviet Union.

Dance Barr? Five eight two? Is it that Su Qing is only 582 in the stabbing organization? Su Luo is about to be shocked by the truth of this company.

Su Qing’s strength is very good. If her luck is not so bad, she will be able to meet herself. The top ten is proper, but when it comes to stinging the organization, there are only 582. This……

"Su Qing talent is too bad, forcibly upgrade to the ninth order, in order to kill you, but unfortunately, she failed." The girl in black sneered.

"Just revenge only for Su Qing, will you send five commander-level killers?" Su Luo did not believe anyway.

"That's the way it is." The black girl clenched her teeth and did not loosen her mouth.

"So, that is to say, this time you are the target of the assassination is me?"

"No doubt, yes."

"No murderers?"


"Is your boss a man or a woman?" Su Luo finally asked a question that seemed to be irrelevant but very important to her.

Why did that person save Su Qing on the battle platform? Su Qing’s qualifications are even despised by the black girls. Who will pay attention to them in the spurs?

Then, conversely, if the purpose of saving Su Qing is not in Su Qing, but in himself... Su Yi brows deeply wrinkled, because the more she wants to think, the more likely it is.

However, Su Luo has fallen into deep doubts.

According to the old emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, the mysterious man who stabbed the same year was not a good relationship with the mother? Why is the current sting of the assassination of her?

In addition, Master put his young self to the Su government to raise, and gave himself a method of changing his face. Is it inseparable from the stab?

If the boss behind the sting is now a woman... then this killing of himself is well explained.

But the black girl’s answer disappointed the Soviet Union.

"How could it be a woman? Are you insulting the sting?" The girl in black is full of anger.

Is it a man? Will it be the mysterious man of the year? But it's not quite like... The men who liked the mother-in-law, such as the master, such as the Purgatory City Lord, have taken care of themselves. How could they send someone to assassinate themselves?

The Soviet Union was puzzled.

"Are you finished?" The girl in black came cold.

Su Luo glanced at the girl with a gloomy look. It is better not to ask, what is asked for her is simply a bad news, no good information.

Su Luo looked up and took the black girl back to the original place.

However, Su Luo just walked out of the corner and saw the Nangong stream cloud reclined on the deep red pillar, looking at himself with deep gaze.

Under the moonlight, his handsome face is more enchanting and enchanting, exuding the temptation of suffocation. The beauty of the world is as deep as the vast sea, unpredictable, and can't see what is underneath.

Obviously, all of her conversations with the girl in black had just heard of it.

Su Lu originally didn't think there was anything, but she suddenly remembered that she had threatened Li Yaoyao when she threatened the black girl, and she could not help but feel tight!

Li Yaoyao had such an ending that she was completely self-sufficient. She could not do anything, but... Su Luo looked at Nangong Liuyun, Zhangkou wanted to explain, but found that the throat seemed to be shackled, and one word could not be said.

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