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So Su patted his shoulder comfortably: "It's okay, everyone is like this, just wait for it to go out."

Bei Chen Ying is a friend of Su Luo. She naturally knows everything, but she is not as cold and ruthless as the winter.

"But how do these original stones take away?" Bei Chenying looked helplessly at the Soviet Union.

"Your space bag can't work, it doesn't mean that I can't do it either." Su Shi smiled with a hint of enthusiasm, only to see her sleeves fluttering, the original stone on the ground was all gone.

Although these original stones are not in the current Soviet Union, there is still a Dongjin country. Sulu remembers that a red-colored spar could attract others to kill her, so these stones will be taken out at the time. How much is still somewhat useful. What's more, her space is big enough, she can barely see the end, and she doesn't care about this little space.

Bei Chenying, they are used to the space of the Soviet Union, but the oriental Xuan is not. When he watched Su Luo sweep all the original stones, the whole person was suddenly stunned.

"You..." His gaze was staring at the Soviet Union, and the dark tide was soaring and unpredictable.

Why can the Soviets use space bags, but they can't? What is the mystery inside?

The Soviet Union swept the oriental Xuan eye indifferently, and then said to Beichen Shadow: "The original stone of our land has already been collected, let's cross the magma bridge."

"Magma Bridge? Do you have a way to go?!" Bei Chenying and Zi Yan excitedly shouted in unison.

The volume of their excitement is too big, so they all attracted their attention. The magma bridge is just a kilometer ahead, and they all know it, and all of them have seen it, but the sad reminder is that the rolling magma is so hot, who has gone? Therefore, they retreated and came to the next to discuss the countermeasures. Then they discovered the original stone contained in it. Dongfang Xuan was able to solve several purple spar in one fell swoop.

Su Luo calmly nodded: "Do not worry, my sister must safely bring all of you to the past. This second level, it seems very difficult, in fact, nothing."

"Let's fall, it turns out that you deliberately fell behind, is to find a way to cross the magma bridge?" Ziyan excitedly grabbed the hand of the Soviet Union, and the stars sparkled.

"That's not the case? Do you really think that I am taking a walk?" Su's face is not red-hearted, and the answer is of course justified.

This answer, suddenly let the Soviet side of the momentum strong, and the East Xuan that side of the mourning.

The Oriental Xuan Li Aofeng was still proud of the fact that the Soviet Union did not grab the original stone. Who knows that the plot of the face is so fast, firstly, only the space bag of the Soviet Union can hold things, and then the way that the Soviet Union knows the magma bridge ......

Dongfang Xuan and Li Aochen face each other, I don't know what to do.

"Let's go." Su Luo will leave with everyone turning around.

Oriental Xuan and Li Aochen look at the original stone on the ground, and look at the Soviet Union, and the eyes flashed brightly. In the end, Dong Xuan gave Li Aochen a look, so Li Aochen knew it, and he quietly followed Su's behind them.

Suluo will not know that he is coming? However, Li Aochen has come to the heart of the Soviet Union, because only by seeing it with his own eyes can he truly believe it.

The magma bridge is just a few kilometers away, but it will arrive in a few moments.

Seeing the scene in front of me, even the Soviet Union could not help but scream.

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