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In front is an arched magma bridge across the cliff.

The bridge is very long and can barely be seen at the end.

At this time, all the bridges are made up of flames. The fire snakes dance like a raging wave, rolling in and out, swaying between the two cliffs with the momentum of swallowing everything in the world.

Su Luo looked almost stunned.

"Good and strong offensive." Bei Chenying simply looked at it, a pair of peach eyes looked at the front with a stunned look, and whispered in his mouth.

"How can we go through such a magma bridge!" Zi Yan opened his eyes incredulously and shook his head resolutely.

After seeing this scene, Su Luo was shocked at the beginning, but he quickly returned to his mind and asked the usage of the small stone ice grass in his mind.

According to the tips of the small stones, the Soviet Union took out ten ice-flowers and used the force to force the juice out.

Ice spirit flower is rich in water, so the water contained in the ten ice-cream flowers is still very impressive, and there are half bowls.

Looking at the bowl of green and sleek sap, the mouth of the Soviet Union was slightly pumped, but it quickly waved at the North Shadow. "Come here."

"What are you doing?" Bei Chen Ying was curious, and he ran over.

"Stain these juices on your body, remember, apply them everywhere. Otherwise, if some part of your body is burnt, don't blame me for not reminding beforehand." Su Luo smiled and looked at Beichen Shadow.

Bei Chen Ying was shocked and shook his lower body subconsciously.

Nangong Liuyun slammed him with a foot: "Not going yet?"

"Oh oh." North Chenying, who had no time to ask, was slammed into the back of the rock by Nangong Liuyun, so he had to start smearing the juice on his body.

"You are not curious about what I am doing?" Su Luo raised his white face and smiled and looked at Nangong Liuyun.

"Curious." Nangong Liuyun 眨 眨 狭 狭 狭 狭 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹 丹

"Curious is strange." Su Luo gave him a sigh of relief, but said helplessly, "In fact, you already know that the ice flower is the key to the magma bridge? So you deliberately collected it and gave it to me. Give me a surprise, right?"

Although with a question mark, the tone of the Soviet Union has never been determined. She said, how can the Nangong Liuyun send flowers to her for no reason, and the darlings have long known that this ice flower is the key, teasing her to play.

Nangong Liuyun's black eyelids are like being moistened with water. It shines like a star, and looks at her tenderly. The lips are enchanting, the smile is harmonious, and a good temper is neither acknowledged nor denied, but the Soviet Union knows that There is a noun called default.

"Oh." Su Luo is cold.

"Is it angry?" Nangong Liuyun's broad and warm palms covered her head, carefully and glaring at her. "As you said, I want to give you a surprise. I didn't expect it to be self-defeating... ..."

Su Luo gave a laugh and pushed him: "Who said that it happened to be self-defeating? If Beichen Shadow is really burned, it is called self-defeating."

"You are not angry?" Nangong Liuyun asked softly.

"You think about me everywhere, everything is me first, I am too happy to be too late, why do you want to be angry? I am so long and confused, is it a white-eyed wolf that doesn't understand people's hearts?" "I just deliberately teased you to play!"

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