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However, under the parapetal line of the small stone, a long flame road appeared.

The flame and ice and snow quickly merge, and the two are deadlocked, and no one can beat each other.

"Let's go." Nangong Liuyun took the hands of the Soviet Union and stepped on the road of integration of ice and fire.

Beichen Ying and Ziyan were shocked by the big handwriting of Nangong Liuyun.

The road ahead is burning the flame path of the past. Is it really the Nangong Liuyun? This is amazing, right?

If you just throw the small stones out and the magma falls, then of course it is nothing, but after the karst falls, it can evenly merge with the local ice and snow to form a stable and level road, and after embarking on it, It can be found that the above-mentioned spiritual fluctuations are very stable and there is no sign of disorder. This kind of control of spiritual power is the most rare.

"This is too powerful?" Beichen Ying looked incredulously at the front of the tall and sturdy figure.

Two years ago, although the second child was more powerful than him, the gap was not so great, but the gap between the two is really too big. The figure in front gives him a feeling of looking up.

He has a sense of awe that he has never been able to catch up with the mountains in the past.

"Whatever thinking, the three brothers are better than you. You just have to follow the path he has traveled and hurry up. Do you want to be so useful?" Zi Yan didn't slam the North Chen Ying forehead.

"I have no thoughts, what are you talking about?" Beichen Ying did not admit it for the sake of face, but held his forehead.

"What is not cranky, your thoughts are all on your face, oh, this is written..." Zi Yan deliberately joked with him.

"Well, I admit that you are still not right?" Beichen Shadow took two steps to keep up.

Looking at the two people laughing behind, Sushang looked up at the Nangong Liuyun Road: "It's too good to be too good, it will put a lot of pressure on the friends around you."

If Beichen Ying is placed in the same age, the strength can be considered very great. It is placed in the younger generation of the top ten families. He is also among the best, but no one can compare with the enchanting Nangong Liuyun. This is not his own. Looking for abuse?

Nangong Liuyun’s face is as calm as water, and he said quietly: “There is pressure to have power. On the strong road, no one will stop and wait for others. Only by catching up quickly can they walk along the way.”

"So what about me?" Su Luo’s heart stunned, holding his white face and seriously gazing at Nangong’s flowing clouds, not letting out any slight expression of his faint expression. “If I can’t keep up with your steps, You won't stop to wait for me?"

The tone of the Soviet Union is more serious than ever.

Nangong Liuyun stopped, and the long, jade fingers smacked at her nose. She sighed and looked at her softly: "I don't understand why I fell."

"What?" Su Luo looked confused.

"My Nangong Liuyun is born for you in this life, how can you leave you alone?" Nangong Liuyun helplessly pinch her small face, "In my heart, you are different from others, with anyone." It's different, you have to remember that you are more important than my life."

The tone of Nangong Liuyun is more serious than ever, so that the dignified eyes look so sweet and sweet, soft and messy.

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