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For a time, Su Luo smashed, and then she quickly returned to the gods, pulling down the neck of Nangong Liuyun, attached to his ear and said a word.

"What?" Nangong Liuyun asked again, but his eyes were obviously smiling.

"Nothing, since I didn't hear it, then I didn't say it." Su Luo smiled and ran forward cheerfully.

Nangong Liuyun is trying to catch up, but sees that Su Luo has stopped spontaneously.

"Look, what is that?!" Su Luo pointed to a dark figure not far away, and turned back to signal everyone.

Then everyone looked at the sight of Su Luo.

If you are not mistaken, it should be a person, a person lying on the ground, facing the ground, he is motionless, seems to have fainted.

"It seems to be... Li Aochen?" Su Shi with a trace of doubt.

"Don't say it, the more you say it, the more you feel like it. Wouldn't it really be the annoying Li Aochen?" Zi Yan walked a few steps to the side of Su Luo and looked into the distance.

Bei Chenying’s curiosity was the strongest. He ran out of this road and flew forward. When he ran to the figure, he took his finger to poke. Unfortunately, the other party did indeed faint, so he was allowed to poke. Did not respond.

So Bei Chenying used a little effort to turn his entire body over.

"Hey, it’s really Li Aochen, it’s really clever." Beichen Ying put his hands on his hips and smiled at the scene.

Because Li Aochen was directly planted in the snow, his chest was stained with snow on his head, and even his nose and mouth plunged into it, almost suffocating him. At the same time, there were many injuries on his face, and the blood stained the surrounding blood, which looked like a wolverine and strange.

At this time, Su Luo and others have all ran over. Seeing Li Aochen, everyone is also embarrassed.

"It's a stupid, if you walk behind us well, can you have a good road to go? You have to run in front, now you are attacked by Snow Mountain Warcraft, who is it?" Beichen Shadow sighed and said coolly.

"It turns out that there is really a very good World of Warcraft in this snowy mountain. If I don't see Li Aochen, I still don't believe it." Zixiao said with a smile.

They all came along the Kangzhuang Avenue, because this road has special spiritual fluctuations, so those Warcraft have shunned it, it is impossible to automatically come up to die, so on the way they don’t say that they have met Warcraft, even the ants have been Have never met.

Just as everyone was talking about it, Li Aochen’s eyelashes shook softly.

Until this time, Zi Yan suddenly shook God: "Li Ao Chen has been against us, we want to ..." She gestured a cut neck.

“Would it be a bit horrible?” Bei Chenying touched his chin and began to consider the proposal of Zi Yan.

"What do you want to do!" At this time, Li Aochen completely woke up and saw the people around him, with a bad light in his eyes.

"Hey, Li Aochen, we saved you, what is your attitude?" Zi Yan hands around his chest, his face was not good at him.

"Who wants you to save!" Li Aochen sneered a few times.

"Well, you don't want us to save, then let's go. Remember, the front road is open to us. If you are so sturdy, don't go up." Su Luo smiled and pointed at In the distance, the one that was opened up by the Nangong Liuyun.

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