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Bei Chenying's wound was covered with a thick layer of sputum.

Soon, the hard and thick sputum will fall off, revealing a pink, fresh and delicate skin like a baby.

"It's amazing!" He witnessed the miracle of the miracle and took a deep breath. His eyes were round and round.

"Fortunately, coagulation is effective, otherwise I can't help it." Su Luo smiled and spit out a suffocating gas. It seems that the coagulation fruit that Master left for her is omnipotent, and the healing effect is extremely good.

At this time, Beichen Ying finally screamed without pain. He curiously touched his back and looked like a miraculous look: "Isn't it really itch to grow new meat? But now it's so strange, I can't feel it at all. ""

Su Luo mouth corner micro-draw: "Don't you see it? Your cockroaches are falling, how can it itch?" It is clear that the speed of recovery is too fast, it is too late to let him feel itchy? ?

Just as everyone spoke, a fierce cry suddenly broke out in midair.

Su Luo’s heart suddenly slammed and looked up into the air.

At this time, Nangong Liuyun and the giant python battled.

The spurting blood in the mouth of the giant scorpion, a little **** fog sprayed in all directions, but the front of it has already lost the shadow of Nangong Liuyun, so that its efforts are all empty.

Where is the Nangong Liuyun at this time?

In fact, Nangong Liuyun hid in the lower lip part of it when it was erupting blood. Here is the gaze of the giant python, so it can't see the shadow of Nangong Liuyun. When the giant scorpion realizes this blind spot, The Nangong Liuyun has a shape, and has already flown around the giant clam, flying fast, and standing on the back of the giant clam.

The black-and-black scorpion sword broke out with a sharp and cold mans.

Subsequently, Bai Mang flashed.


At the seven inches of the giant python, the sharp and slender red scorpion sword was immersed in the roots, leaving only a small hilt.


When the seven-inch was stabbed, the giant python felt a severe pain, and the figure could not be shaken, almost falling down.

The seven inches of the giant clam is as important as the human heart. Such an important part is stabbed, and the skill of the giant clam is only five in a moment, but because of this, the fierceness of the giant clam is thoroughly stimulated!

The giant scorpion twisted his body, and the **** basin slammed into the Nangong Liuyun on the back!

Nangong Liuyun had expected it, he was like a power, and quickly flashed toward the back!

At this time, the giant python lost its rationality, but the power of the instinct became more and more crazy. It was only that its slender tail suddenly came to the south of the palace!

This is the full blow of the giant python!

The heart of Su Luo instantly picked up and almost stopped breathing. A pair of watery eyes stared at Nangong Liuyun, fearing that he would be injured.

Beichen Ying and Zi Yan also looked worriedly at Nangong Liuyun.

"Flashing, flashing!" Beichen Ying nervously looked at the Nangong Liuyun standing in the same place, he did not understand what happened.

Su's eyes were also anxious, because she found that Nangong Liuyun stood still in the same place, not flashing.

Just at this time -

The tail of the giant clam has been swept away!


Nangong Liuyun swung out with his right fist and squatted on the tail of the giant scorpion that followed.

For a time, the wind and cloud changed color.

The harsh sound of broken friction in the air.

The right fist of Nangong Liuyun is mixed with the power of violent violence, and it is heavily bombarded in the tail of the giant dragonfly!

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