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"God..." Zi Yan subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands. This kind of tragic situation she could not bear.

How can human fists fight against the giant body? The giant clam is about 100 meters long. The tail is 50 meters long. It is too wide. The human fist is so big. How can it win?

Not only the sable, but even the North Chen Ying and Su Luo almost screamed out!


When the fist of Nangong Liuyun collided with the tail of the giant clam, only the giant cicada burst into a tragic pain.

Suddenly, there seemed to be only a giant screaming screaming screaming in the midst of the whole world.

Later, Su Luo saw that the long tail of the giant python was pulled down and stiffened into a straight line!

Not far away, Nangong Liuyun stood in the air, and his hand was carrying a thin white line. As the white line in his hand was drawn, the giant cockroaches burst into violent pains, painful tears and snots. The painful heart beats like a heartbreaker.

At this time, Su Luo really sees clearly. The Nangong Liuyun is like a kite. The reason is that the white line in his hand is actually the back of the giant scorpion!

"I rub!" Beichen Ying was over-excited, and a swearword came out directly. He shook his fingers and pointed at the Nangong Liuyun, who was flying a kite in the air. It was incredible and excited. "I thought it was old. Secondly, I was only halfway out of this time, but I didn’t expect it. He was not unscathed, but he also used the giant python as a kite!"

Is there a difference between the distance between imagination and reality? Bei Chen Ying licked his lips, and the words were unfavorable.

North Chenying did not think of it. When Nangong Liuyun’s fist slammed into the tail of the giant cicada, he accurately calculated the back nerve of the giant cicada. After a fist hit, he smashed the nerve line and then squatted in his hand. In turn, it threatens the giants.

The giant screaming in the air, constantly trying to attack the Nangong stream.

The victory in the Nangong Liuyun will make it succeed? The nerve line in the hand suddenly rushed!

I only heard a crisp "squeaky" sound, and the nerves on the back of the giant scorpion were suddenly taken away!


The giant screamed in pain, and then the huge body suddenly fell.

"Hey!" A loud noise, the giant scorpion went straight down from the air and slammed down.

At this time, the Nangong Liuyun figure was set, and he saw that he stretched out his right leg and suddenly slammed into the giant scorpion, so the speed and gravity of the scorpion fell more and more, and the giant scorpion landed. In the face, I even took out a huge pit tens of meters deep!

At this time, the giant clam has been torn apart, and the blood in his mouth is mad, lying in the deep pit and dying.

Nangong Liuyun was in shape and then appeared next to the Soviet Union.

“Is there any injury?” Su’s eyes looked up and down nervously.

"Yes." Just now, the Nangong Liuyun, who was still arrogant and arrogant, entered the state of stroking and touching, and a pair of black and beautiful inks politely slammed the Soviet Union. "The hand is sour."

So, Su Luo naturally took his hand and said with a funny voice, "Give you strength."

Nangong Liuyun was satisfied and laughed like a fool.

"How do you deal with this giant?" Beichen Shadow ran around the deep pit and finally ran to the Nangong Liuyun and asked him with great interest.

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