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However, just after saying this, Su Luo noticed that the head of the oriental mysterious sky was empty, and suddenly understood: "His sucking crystals are used up."

"So I will come to grab you, stupid." The little stone looked at Su Luo with incorrigible eyes.

At this time, the brows of the Soviet Union were wrinkled tightly.

They are doing their best to cultivate and promote. If she fights with the oriental mystery, it will definitely affect them. If it is interrupted, it will be ruined. This is definitely not the scene that the Soviet Union is willing to see. Dongfang Xuan can completely ignore Li Aochen, but Su Luo can not affect Beichen Shadow.

How to do? Sustained in the mind of the Soviet Union, looking for the method of cracking.

Small stones can come out, but the small stones are equivalent to the oriental mysterious power, and the impact will be even greater at that time. The more you want to go to the East, the more you want to get rid of the promotion of others, at this critical moment, it is like destroying the hatred of the whole family.

However, the method of the Soviet Union has not yet come up with it, and Dong Xuan has already launched an attack.

A subtle whistle, not waiting for the Soviet Union to return to the gods, the East Xuan hand sword has been a few inches away from the Soviet Union.

So fast sword!

The white light flashed, and the people were almost too late to react!


Waiting for the Soviet Union to shoot, the sword that has merged with the spirit of consciousness will subconsciously hit the cold sword!

The weapons collided in front, suddenly sparked, and the surrounding aura surged, causing a disorder.

"Hey--" Su Luo noticed that Beichen Ying, not far away, was shaken by the aura, and a stream of blood sprang directly.

In the heart of the Soviet Union, it is even more hateful! I knew that before I let Nangong Liuyun kill Dongfang Xuanyi a hundred times, I wouldn’t be confused by him at the crucial moment.

"Do you want to **** Lingjing? This matter can be discussed." Su Luo pointed to the suction stone on the top of his head, smiling at the oriental mysterious. Now her most important thing is to delay the time.

There is a sarcasm in the Xuanzang of the East: "Sucking the spirit crystal? OK, I will give it to me!" The oriental Xuan bullied and quickly flashed toward the position of the Soviet Union.

The slender five fingers suddenly slammed toward the top of Su’s head!

During the embarrassment, Sulu clearly saw the flash of killing in his eyes!

Su Luo instantly understood that he wanted more than just sucking Ling Jing, he also wanted to cast a stone and two birds, took her life!

Su Luo wanted to retreat, but the teleportation could not be opened, so she could not retreat at the bottom of this Linghe River. No way, it seems that only the ink ancestors can be released. There was an idea between the thoughts of the Soviet Union.

However, at this moment!

Just listen to the "哗啦-" a light ring!

The next moment, the beauty of the Soviet Union was greatly raised.

Because she actually saw that the oriental Xuan between her feet was actually kicked off! Far kicked out.

I don’t have to look back and I know that people who have such power have no one but the Nangong.

The slender arm slammed the slender waist, and the cool and clear voice sounded in her ear: "Taro, is there any injury?"

There was a trace of concern in the Soviet Union: "I am fine, but you are..."

The distance between the two is very close. As soon as the Soviets look up, they can smell the hot air between his nose, so the Soviet Union can clearly feel the disordered atmosphere of the Nangong Liuyun body.

"You are going to be promoted to the main stage of the Lord... now it is..." Su looked at him with an eye, and there was a distress and annoyance in the beauty.

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