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He is so distressed that he can be promoted, but for her forced suppression, this has absolutely bad influence on his body. The annoyance is that every time he helps her at the most critical moment, and every time she brings trouble to him at his most critical moment...

"Nothing, first solve the scourge." Nangong Liuyun's cold eyes are like being infiltrated by the cold ice, flashing cold cold mans.

He slender long straight legs and step by step toward the oriental metaphysical.

The Oriental Xuan was flying far away, but his strength was promoted to the rank of the leader, not as embarrassed as before.

The oriental Xuanzang lived in the chest and slowly stood up.

Nangong Liuyun stared at him coldly and his eyes were also staring at Nangong Liuyun.

Suddenly, the oriental mysterious eyes flashed a hint of crazy color.

If the cultivation of the sacred crystal on the top of the Su's head is cultivated, Dongfang Xuan is sure to kill the Nangong Liuyun, but now he has no grasp at all, but the Nangong Liuyun is now obviously murderous. Dongfang Xuan knows that this time, if he does not turn out the cards, he will die at the bottom of Nangong.

"Three teachers, why do you have to work hard?" Dong Xuan Xuan rubbed his chest and said, trying to delay the time.

"Why do you have to make troubles again and again, and find your own way?" The sound of Nangong Liuyun is very light, light as feathery, but it gives a creepy feeling of fear.

Dongfang Xuan felt a fear coming up from the soles of his feet and slamming into the chest and spreading all over his limbs, so that his body could not help but tremble. Dongfang Xuan smiled coldly: "Do you really care about the friendship of the same door?"

Nangong Liu Yun’s eyes stared at him for a moment, and approached step by step.

"Master knows, I will never let you go!" Dong Xuan slowly stepped back, and there was a trace of panic in the middle.

Nangong Liuyun was approaching him without hesitation, his eyes still, his look still.

"You are not going to leave me to Su Luo to deal with it personally? Now that you have killed me, there will always be a demon in the heart of Su Luo. Do you even care for her?" The reason for Dong Xuan’s reason came out.

"There is a lot of nonsense." Nangong Liu Yun evil charm smiled, smiled enchanting and beautiful, I saw him stop, the long white 皙 皙 jade palm turned out, slowly began to seal.

The golden light of the handprints came out from the bottom of his hand, and finally gathered from a golden ball of light!

The golden light ball emits a radiant glow, reflecting the whiteness of the oriental Xuan face.

Dong Xuan took a deep breath and it seems that the hidden cards have been out for a long time!

"Dragon King, come out!"

Just as the Nangong Liuyun shot the golden light ball toward the oriental Xuan Bang, a roaring dragon dragon appeared in the oriental mystery!

"吼!!!" The dragon's virtual shadow broke out with a fierce scream, and the whole river was sizzling, and the water was turbulent, rolling up thousands of snow waves.

I saw the dragon open a huge mouth, swallowing the golden light ball from the Nangong stream!

"It was swallowed..." Su Luo whispered in disbelief.

Before the oriental Xuan was in the end, how could there be so many babies, one after another, like the ants who are not dead, it is really hateful!

The sound of the Soviet Union seemed to wake up the silence.

The Oriental Xuan finger pointed to the Soviet Union and shouted: "eat her!"

If Dong Xuan is dead, he should also take Su Luo to give him a funeral posture.

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