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Su fell to the side and looked back.

When she saw the **** of war with only the skeleton left, her eyes burst out.

I saw that this war **** was about three meters high, the body was slim, there was no flesh and blood, and only one white bone was built into a human form.

Although it looks simple, it gives people a sense of fear. At least, Su Luo only has a glance, and there is a feeling of creepyness in his heart.

The war **** seemed to be conscious. When Su fell back to see him, he raised his eyes, and his eyes were red with blood, as if it were thick blood, misty and bloody.

With a glance, let the fall have a feeling of dizziness.

Not only that, but the war **** also rushed to the Soviet Union to make a strange laughter, and the giggling sound scared the body down.

Su Luo didn't have time to think about it. He turned and started running up.

Compared with the oriental mystery, this war **** is even more terrifying.

At least when facing the oriental mysterious, the Soviet Union can use wisdom and strategy, but in the face of this powerful "coward", relying on fists to speak, the Soviet Union can't do anything.

The injuries suffered by Su’s body have gradually healed, and her actions have not been affected much.

The river is coming soon.

Behind the war gods, they are chasing after them. There is also the oriental Xuan dying on the river bank. At this time, the most important thing to do is to think long-term, but it is not the time for Su Luo.

The Soviet Union was too late to think about it, and the body suddenly rushed into the sky.

Dong Xuan sensed this subtle volatility early and early. He was already familiar with the breath of Su Luo, so now he guessed it was Su Luo, a strong killing move to the Soviet Union!

But Dong Xuan still underestimated the Soviet Union.

At this time, the Soviet wound was almost healed. At the time of life and death, the Soviet Union was soaring to the fastest frequency. Therefore, when the Oriental Xuan made this killing, the Su’s body was twisted and tilted directly to the right.

Then, Dong Xuan’s attack is wasted?

Really not.

Dong Xuan’s killings are not only wasteful, but also greatly useful. It can be said that it has played the most crucial role in the success of the battle.

The Soviet Union was shunned, but there was a poor **** of war behind Su’s body.

Just after Su Luo escaped from the past, before the fall of Dong Xuan’s killings, the **** of war appeared in a stupid way.

I only heard a loud noise!

This killing trick went straight to the head of the **** of war!

Then, his brain is directly smoky.

Dongfang Xuan also looked dumbfounded, and some incredulously stared at the thing that just came out and went back to the bottom of the water...

In fact, because the killing explosion was too fast, Dongfang Xuan did not see what it was.

Su Luo turned back and found that the **** of war was even stunned by the oriental Xuan, and could not help but look dumbfounded.

"The **** of war is too weak too!" Su’s eyes blinked.

If I knew that the **** of war was so vulnerable, why did she still need to run so embarrassed?

Only one face-to-face, was taken to the bottom of the river by the Oriental Xuan.

But at this time, the little stone was also incredibly looking at the fascinating Mohe River... It was obvious that the feeling that gave him was very strong.

The face of the small stone flickered and flickered, and suddenly, a small stone flashed in the eyelids!

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