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"Go back!" The little stone shouted at the Soviet Union.

The voice was eager and loud, as if the thunder blasted on the head of the Soviet Union, and she almost jumped up.

Su Luo has never seen the emotion of small stones so excited, and some reactions have come.

The little stone hurriedly urged: "Hurry back to the bottom of the river! So I guess that's right... then can you kill Dongfang Xuan in one fell swoop!"

So serious?

Although Su Luo couldn’t figure out what medicine was sold in the small stone gourd, it was still done according to the small stone.

However, at this time, before the Soviet Union jumped into the Mohe, the attack of the East Xuan that came to the fortune came again.

This time, Dong Xuan seems to be trying to test his own tricks, and he has copied the trick just now and went to the head of the Soviet Union.

I only heard a bang.

Su Luben is going to jump into the ink river. The oriental Xuan’s trick is to force her into the ink river. Isn’t this just right? Therefore, the Soviet Union will count down and sink into the bottom of the river.

However, this way, it makes the whole person of Dongfang Xuan dumbfounded.

The power of this move is so amazing? A shot to destroy the powerful existence, and then shot and destroyed the Soviet Union? I want to know that Su Luo is a small strong who can't die, and he has risen ten times again and again.

The oriental Xuan stayed dumbly and looked at his palms, and the light in his eyes became hotter.

Su Luo jumped into the ink river according to the instructions of the small stone, and then quickly proceeded in the direction pointed by the small stone.

Seeing the tight face of the small stone and the anxious little eyes, Su Luo could not help but scream: "You will have exciting moments."

The small stone did not look good and white, and spoke arrogantly: "If it is not the contractor is too weak, the young master will look at such a weak ant?"

Su Luo snorted twice.

The front is quickly arriving at the designated location.

A humanoid skeleton with a white skeleton lay quietly on the bottom of the lake.

I saw him squinting and seemed to die.

"In the past." Seeing Su Luo stopped his footsteps, the small stones could not help but rush.

"Are you sure that there is no problem? Make sure he won't suddenly pick it up?" Su Luo hesitated again.

"Don't you find out that the aura of his body has been consumed? Have you seen the **** of war that the Aura consumes and will pick it up yourself?" The little stone didn't swear, "Isn't it going up? I tell you." When the Oriental mystery understands that the mystery of this is chasing down, you have only one dead end."

"What does this say?" Su Luo was confused by the jumping logic of the small stone.

The little stone used the look of the idiot to smack the sorrow, and it was a direct slap in the idiot.

"The God of War has a very obvious feature, that is, if you want him to be a human hitter, you can only feed him enough food, whoever feeds, who is his master." The little stone will hide. I am coming.

If it weren't for the small stone that lived for countless years, few people would know the mystery of the **** of war.

Some of Su's fell in love: "That is to say! If I go to feed now, will this war **** listen to me?"

"It's not stupid enough to get home." The small stone screamed twice.

However, Su Luo was frowning, and looked at the war gods lying on the bottom of the river with some suspicion. He touched his chin and looked suspiciously at the small stone: "It’s so easy to be hanged by the oriental Xuan, you really think Is he very powerful?"

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