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You know, there are hundreds of purple spar in this giant rough stone!

At this time, the Soviet Union couldn't care too much. She directly divided the giant rough stone into two, revealing the crystal clear purple light inside.

When Su Luo put this giant rough stone on the edge of the **** of war, soon, the giant rough stone disappeared without a trace.

Suo was not blinking, staring at the **** of war, for fear of missing any trace of information on his face.

The situation has already jeopardized this level, and the Oriental Xuan is about to be killed. The God of War is the place where all the hopes of the Soviet Union are. This is a mistake, and it is the life of the Soviet Union.

However, the **** of war is still dead, and there is no reaction to the Soviet Union.

At this time, the figure of Oriental Xuan appeared in front of the Soviet Union.

Dongfang Xuan originally did not think that he was hit by the **** of war, until the fall of the Soviet Union once again returned to the bottom of the ink river, he had a trace of suspicion, so he chased it.

Now when he sees a straight, flat body, his eyes are almost straight.

He saw the Soviet Union, but at this time, the most important thing in his heart was not to kill the Soviet Union, but to quickly find out all the things that contained aura in his body, and burst into the face of the God of War.

When he hopefully put the spar he had collected before to the beast of the **** of war -

This time, the **** of war did not absorb even the absorption, let the oriental Xuan hands hold the purple spar with respectful respect, so he stood bent and bent.

After a long time, the Emperor Xuanjian warrior was still indifferent, and the anger in his eyes became more and more hot. He looked at the Soviets who had been neglected by him before his eyes, and his eyes seemed to be murderous: "Are you feeding?" It's something?!"

Su Luo knows that as long as she replies, she will immediately encounter a poisonous hand.

But to say no...

Su Luo went to see the **** of war.

At this moment, the **** of war did not know which rib was wrong, and even slammed it to sit up!

Su Luo looked at the war **** who sat up in amazement.

Dongfang Xuan also stared at the war gods in confusion, and at this time he was still not allowed to be controlled by the Soviet Union.

I saw the warrior's stiff neck slowly twisting, and the two bell-like eye-detecting lines were scanned. When he saw the Soviet Union, his huge face turned his mouth and smiled to reveal his teeth. It was silly and naive. Look like it.

Su Luo was a little bit haired at the bottom of his heart...

When the Soviet Union had not responded, the eyes of the **** of war turned again, and this time it was accurately fixed on the oriental Xuan body.

Dong Xuan was somewhat creepy by his gaze.

Because the God of War licks the **** eyes, it is really scary!

Then, the **** of war slowly stood up.

His skinny skeleton creaked and walked toward the oriental mysterious step by step.

At this time, there was some worry in the oriental mysterious heart, and he subconsciously stepped back.

God of War is pressing hard.

The Oriental Xuanyi retreats and retreats until it retreats.

The **** of war suddenly burst open his mouth, and a sneer smirked in his mouth. The smile was very infiltrating.

At this time, Dong Xuan has realized that this war **** has been controlled by the Soviet Union, and his heart is extremely annoyed! Because the **** of war gave him a powerful feeling that is very powerful and difficult to overcome!

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