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The God of War approached him step by step and finally stood before him.

Before the war gods shot, Dong Xuan has already made a pre-emptive strike. Because he knows that if he waits for the war **** to shoot, the possibility that he can win is extremely small.

The oriental Xuan Dadao ice blade directly smashed past.

These ice blades, which contain infinite attack power and destructive power, have strong constraints on the Soviet Union.

However, what shocked him was!

These ice blades are not useful for the God of War!

Seeing that the ice blade flew in all directions, the **** of war stood upright and stood upright. The ice blade flew to him, only a burst of slamming sound came from him. When you fixed your eyes, those ice blades had turned into The powder fell on the ground, and the scars of the **** of war were not left behind.

This is enough to show that the most powerful attack of Dongfang Xuan is not a trace of damage to the **** of war.

In other words, the God of War is immune to the attack of Dongfang Xuan!

The **** of war is standing there, with a piercing smile on the corner of his eyes.

The chill of the oriental mysterious heart is getting richer and thicker.

His taboo against the gods of war is becoming more and more cautious.

Dong Xuan has been constantly attacking and constantly releasing the big moves he is proud of, but even his most powerful killings are still unable to move the war gods.

He stood like a wooden stake and let the attack of Dong Xuan fall on him.

It is precisely because of the great difference between the two, the **** of war is firmly suppressing the oriental mystery in strength.

The bigger the oriental Xuan was more shocked, and later, his heart had already reached the bottom of the valley.

And when I saw this scene in the side of the battle, the mood was very good. The ancients said it was good, the wind and water turned, and now it has finally turned to her home.

Before she was chased by the oriental Xuan, there was no way to enter the land. Now there is a **** of war, and see where the oriental Xuan can go!

Su fell with his hands on his hips, standing happily, smiling at the drama that would make her feel good.

Dong Xuan knows that the chances of winning today's battle are already very low. There is a **** of war, and I am afraid that I will fight again. He will not kill the Soviet Union, but he will not be able to keep his life.

With this in mind, the Dongfang Xuanxin has made up his mind, and the thirty-sixth plan is taken as a measure.

Su Luo saw the eyes of the oriental Xuan Na, and thought of his thoughts in a blink of an eye, so she shouted loudly toward the active **** of war: "Get out of the way, don't let him run!"

The **** of war is milk and mother, but now the Soviet is his newest master, so he is very obedient to raise his fist, smashing a fist to the oriental Xuan!

The oriental mysterious stone is not right, turn around and run outside!

There is already a mission in the mind of the **** of war, where will he let him run away? I saw his fist as lightning fast, and seemed to carry the power of thunder and smashing to the oriental chest.

The Oriental Xuan thought to avoid, but he still underestimated the true strength of the God of War. I haven't waited for Dong Xuan to avoid the action, and the fist has already flown to his chest.

I only heard a loud noise.

The body of Dongfang Xuan suddenly fell like a kite, and flew away to the rear.

The power of the **** of war to smash a fist seems to be full of the power of the heavens and the earth, and the oriental mysterious can't bear it.

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