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At this point, the Soviet Union had to stop and study the labyrinth with all its heart.

The labyrinth is very high, with a height of 30 meters, surrounded by thick walls. The Soviets use their full strength and punch in the past, but they can only leave a light mark on it, and soon, This imprint is restored to its original state, as if it had never done anything.

This made Su's brows close.

I don't know why, she has a ridiculous idea, just like this labyrinth is smart and living, but Su Luo quickly put this idea behind, because who knows, a maze is impossible It is wise.

But this labyrinth is very familiar to the feeling of the Soviet Union... What is it? Su Luo kept his head continually recalling.

After thinking for a long time, there was no solution. The Soviet Union had to stand up from the ground and hold the wall.

However, at this moment, her mind instantly seemed to open the fog and suddenly became clear.

Devil Cave!

Yes, it is the devil cave.

Su Luo suddenly remembered, when she was in the Devil's Cave, could she and Beichen Shadow be trapped in a square stone prison? At that time, she could not come out until –

Until she practiced nothing space!

Thinking of this, the face of Su Luobai’s face appeared a touch of excitement, almost like a brow.

How can she forget such useful skills? Really damn!

You know, after her empty space covers her body, she can penetrate the wall. So guess, these walls are not...

The eyes of the Soviet Union were as bright as spar, and they flashed in an instant. When they couldn’t think about it, the Soviet Union’s spiritual power would cover her with nothingness, and then slowly walked toward the wall step by step.

Going in... It really can penetrate the wall!

After discovering this fact, Su Luo suddenly had an impulse to pay.

Why is she so stupid! It is obvious that the thoughts that can be easily thought of, but because of inertia thinking, have not been thought of, but after they have hit so many roads in the south wall, they suddenly become more open.

But fortunately, it is not too late to find out, and finally it is not stupid to the end.

The walls around this area are very hard. Although there is no space in the Soviet Union, it can pass through the wall, but there is no way to improve it in speed.

Su Lu did not know where he was at this time, but the advantage of being able to pass through the wall was as long as she walked in one direction.

Sue now doesn't know where he is in the labyrinth, but fortunately she can pass through the wall and move straight ahead.

After selecting a direction, Sue began her journey through the maze.

It sounds simple, but it wasn't until the real thing that it was done that it wasn't so good to wear through the wall, because countless walls, overlapping overlaps, wearing a dizzy, almost collapsed. .

And such an action is quite costly.

How long has it been going, when Su Luo felt the dizziness of his head, suddenly, Su Luo only felt that his eyes were bright, but when he fixed his eyes, he found himself in a wide hall.

Compared to the narrow labyrinth channel, the width is a bit scary.

It seems to be the lobby of a palace.

Surrounded by white jade, the bottom is white marble, the cold jade column is almost towering into the sky, the pillars are carved dragons and dragons, lifelike.

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