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Where is this? Su Luo was left behind by the scene in front of him, stupidly standing in the same place, for a long time, he did not return to God.

Suddenly, a subtle voice caught her attention.

On the left side of the hall, which is as wide as a square, there is a shrill voice, and in this quiet atmosphere, there is a strange feeling.

Su’s heart was slightly stunned, and curiosity was lifted high.

Moreover, in addition to that voice, the Soviet Union could not find other creatures.

In order to explore the situation here, Su Luo calmed his breath, slowed down and quietly approached there.

"Oh--" The strange voice came from the corner, as if the mouse was holding a big peach in a bite.

But here... Su Luo looked around, if not guessed, it should be the most central position of the maze. Just now she has released the spirit, and there is no living creature found.

Near, and near.

It is only ten meters away from there.

It was at this time.

Suddenly, a purple figure quickly rushed toward the Soviet Union. Before the Soviets returned, the shadows had already slammed into the Soviet Union.

Its strength is very large, and it is unimaginable.

Su Luo did not check it and fell to the ground.

I don't know if it was too bad luck, and her brain slammed on the ground. She felt dizzy for a while, and then fell into the darkness of the mud...

Actually, I was stunned by my life...

At this time, the purple black shadow stood on the edge of the Soviet Union, and a pair of black-haired eyes looked at Su Luo without hesitation. There was no fierceness in the beginning, and some were confused and helpless.

It stretched out the furry little claws and gently touched the fingers of the white tongue like a jade.

That cautious, curious look, watching people feel faster.

However, at this time, a bag of Su’s head was swollen and stunned, and it was not so easy to be awake, so there was no sign of waking up when the little things were touched.

The little things saw that the Soviet Union did not respond, and suddenly there was some urgency. The clear and transparent black-eyed eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist and a sullen expression.

How to do? The little things sucked the little fingers and looked at the Soviets in a sly look. They were innocent and cute, and they looked very cute.

At this point, Su Luo was so straight and lying on the ground, motionless, eyes closed, completely unconscious.

Small things look at the Soviet Union, and turn around and look around the corner, it is difficult to decide.

But... the little things finally made a tough decision!

I saw it blowing bubbles toward the Soviet Union.

Yes, it’s like the colorful bubbles that Su Luo once saw in the modern air that were blown into the air.

Small things are blowing bubbles, more and more bubbles, flying in the air, and the colorful look gives a very dreamy feeling.

Then, these bubbles actually lifted the body of the Soviet Union...

These bubbles form a stretcher, appearing under the Soviet Union, holding her up and hanging her body high in the air...

At this time, the Soviet Union was surrounded by colorful bubbles, and was unconsciously sent forward.

Just at the corner where the sound was made, I didn't know what the little thing did, and the wall opened a thick threshold. Then, the Soviet Union, which was surrounded by countless bubbles, was sent in.

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