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In order to stop all these dead men, Su Luo asked himself about the task that was absolutely impossible to accomplish. What Suo can do is to remove as many mechanical shackles as possible.

Fighting one by one is really a waste of time.

When all the machinery rushed over, the Soviet Union waved a hand and suddenly circled ten mechanical forces into her gravity space.

In the gravity space, the strength of the other party will be greatly weakened.

These mechanical shackles, each with at least nine levels of strength, if Su Luo fights against them with real strength, it is very difficult to kill the mechanical smash in one breath.

but now.

After the mechanical shackles were surrounded by the Soviet Union into the gravity space, I saw the Soviet Union's wrists spread out, and a shadow sword with a cold awning appeared in her palm.

The shadow sword is like a cold spring, tilting down.

I only heard a bang.

The piece of machinery immediately fell into a big piece!

Looking at such a sharp sword, Su Luo himself was a little shocked.

Is this going to be too powerful?

Is gravity too weak to exaggerate the strength of the other side?

Nine orders... just like sweeping the ground, the end of a sword is over.

In addition to the gravity space, countless mechanical cymbals are forming a circle, screaming toward the Soviet Union, and screaming and dancing.

Su Luo probably guessed a little meaning, they are provoking her!

Provoking her? well!

The corner of Su’s mouth evoked a bloodthirsty sneer. For a long time, I didn’t have a painful killing. I have too much suffocation in my heart. It’s better to vent this time!

A sneer appeared in the bottom of the Su, and then the arm was slightly lifted.

In an instant, put in 20 mechanical gongs!

A white sword ran over.

Oh la la la.

Groups of mechanical shackles fell into a ground, some broken arms and broken legs, and some were cut from the abdomen.

The Soviet Union did not stop, but it was a sword.

The remaining ten mechanical shackles, before they rushed to the side of the Soviet Union, had not been sent out by their attack, and were completely annihilated.

Good power!

Su Luo couldn't help but give himself a snap, and the feeling of killing like a chopper is really great.

The pieces of mechanical shovel piled up on the ground were taken into the space and the battlefield was cleaned up.

Then, it was the beginning of a new wave of fighting.

If it is said that the Soviet Union is just killing the enemy like a chopper, it is a big mistake.

In fact, there are tricks in killing the enemy.

With this rare opportunity, she is taking the time to train her swordsmanship and pace.

At the beginning, a sword can kill up to ten.

Later, gradually increased, twelve, fifteen, and finally even twenty mechanical scorpions died at the same time under the same sword.

At the same time, the Soviet Union is constantly improving her pace.

When to jump and when to fall, the attack power is the most and the accuracy is the highest. The Soviet Union is experimenting with these mechanical cymbals over and over again.

It’s rare to have these free coolies, no need to use them, and Su’s heart is thinking.

Su Luo is busy fighting here.

The red and blue warriors are on the other side, and the battle is also stuck. It is difficult to win or lose.

When the Soviet Union was tired, he took a break and took the opportunity to observe the situation there.

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