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At this time, the blue **** of war and the red **** of war are standing and gathering.

However, after seeing a few eyes, Su’s face quickly became bad. The happy moment just disappeared.

According to the true ability, the Soviet Warrior has a slight advantage in strength, so the war situation is also the same. At the beginning, the Red God of War has always prevailed.

However, the red **** of war suffers from loss, and the aura contained in his body is not enough!

The aura of the blue **** of war is abundant.

Under the circumstances, the blue **** of war and the deliberate delay of time, the situation of the red war **** of the Soviet Union is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The red **** of war is desperate to make a quick decision, but the blue **** of war can't stand to avoid it, so the battle will stick.

The red **** of war is so arrogant that every punch has a strong attacking power, but the tricks are lost.

Su Luo could not bear to look straight.

If this continues, the situation will be very bad.

Su Luo tried to communicate with the Red God of War, but the red God of War on the head of the Xingtou could not hear the words of Su Luo, and he still followed the blue God of War and pursued it.

Su Luo is only depressed and wants to cry.

She didn't want to understand. Usually, the red **** of war was quite indifferent. How did she lose her sense of reason when she met the blue one? Is there still hatred between these two?

In fact, Su Luo is right.

If it is not the blue **** of war, the red **** of war will not be lying at the bottom of the ink river for so many years, so this time it will be so madly chasing.


"Hey!" The fist smashed the blue **** of war.

The blue **** of war flew out far away, and finally fell to the ground, and could not stand for a long time.

Because this time, the red God of War used up his full strength, but also consumed all his last aura.

Finally, the red **** of war shook his body, then fell straight to the ground and fell asleep.

Su Luo quickly walked over and stretched out his fingers to test it... It really didn't have aura.

But fortunately, the final blow finally got the blue **** of war, otherwise, the trouble for her will be great.

However, there was no luck in the fall of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the **** of war, who was lying on the ground, slowly and slowly sat half-sitting.

Su Luo looked up and saw this scene inadvertently, and suddenly his face was a little white!

The blue **** of war is not dead!

This trouble is really big...

With her strength, the mechanics are barely okay, but now she is given such a huge blue warrior, how can she resist it?

The blue **** of war slowly stood up and stepped on a solid step, step by step toward the position where the Soviet Union was.

The shadow in front of the eyes gradually expanded, and finally firmly covered in the Soviet Union.

The blue **** of war stood in front of the Soviet Union in front of the Soviet Union. A pair of eyes sneered with a sneer and sneer, and the mouth was hung with cold and cold.

At this time, he exudes a kingly atmosphere that controls everything.

In front of him, the Soviet Union was weak as if it were a small ant, as if he had stepped on his foot, he could crush the Soviet Union.

This is the thought of Su Luo.

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