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"We will never separate again in the future!" The sound of Nangong Liuyun was loud.

Will not be separated? Su Luo suddenly remembered that Nangong Liuyun once said that he would leave. But in this warm moment, it is really not appropriate to say that the incident came out.

"Right!" Su Luo suddenly remembered one thing, suddenly jumped from the Nangong Liu Yunhuai.

"What?" Nangong’s rushing clouds prevented him from breaking out of his arms.

"Fast! Let's go!" Su Luo pulled up the Nangong Liuyun and flew forward. He ran and said, "The first flame in the birth of Heaven and Earth - fallen red lotus, have you heard it?"

"The fallen red lotus?" Nangong Liuyun eyes blinked instantly.

Seeing Nangong Liuyun heard, the Soviet Union no longer has to pay more attention, and the finger pointed at the front: "Looking at it has not yet awakened, let us hurry, the time is running out!"

There were only twelve hours of time, but she wasted a lot of time when she passed the Soul Bridge. Later, she was chased by the blue scorpion. Time spent a lot. Now, now...

How much time is left now? Su fell in his mind and asked for a small stone.

The little stone grinned: "There was still half an hour, but it was a quarter of an hour when you kissed me."

"That is, it's only a quarter of an hour now?!" Su Luo suddenly opened his eyes. "Why don't you remind me?"

"Children are not suitable for the picture, don't you think that I should automatically cut off the five senses?" The small stone is quite ridiculously mocking the Soviet Union.

Su Luo suddenly cried and stunned, silently licking the small stones.

Later, she quickly cheered up and took the hand of Nangong Liuyun and quickly ran forward: "If you remember correctly, you should be in front, time is still too late."

While talking, while raising the speed to the extreme.

Nangong Liuyun smiled and smiled: "You don't need to be so tired, you just need to point in the direction."

The voice did not fall, and the slender arm of Nangong Liuyun would hold the Princess Su Luo, even if he was holding the Su Luo, his speed did not mean any decrease.

"Your speed..." The eyes of the Soviet Union gradually brightened, and they slammed the robes of Nangong Liuyun. "Your strength has risen a lot. Are you now a holy step?"

"St. Order? It is also not Err." Nangong Liuyun's tone is very flat and arrogant.

When I first entered the mysterious world of the dragon, I only led the order. Now, the holy order is not the same. Su’s face was speechless.

Compared with Nangong Liuyun, her promotion speed is too slow, but now it is only ten steps!

Because there are maps in the hands of Su Luo, they will not take the road. There are always soul flames blocking on the road. These soul flames are difficult to cope with in the Soviet Union, but now there is a flow of Nangong, things become very simple.

In the face of the soul flame group attack, Nangong Liuyun only waved his sleeves in an understatement. Suddenly, these soul flames collectively retreated, just like the emperor worshipping the emperor, respectful and respectful... It’s almost silly to see the land.

"This is also OK, OK?!" Su's eyes almost burst out!

Before I thought about it, how did these soul flames deal with her? Form a bridge, do everything possible to stop her from advancing, how to change into a Nangong Liuyun, just like the welcome? This difference is too big, right? Comparing this differential treatment, the Soviet Union is crying.

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