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"What?" Nangong Liuyun asked inadvertently.

"No, nothing!" Su slammed him!

Nangong Liuyun suddenly smiled and spoiled his little head in his house. The little look of the little bangs is really cute.

"Fast, just in front!" Susan suddenly looked at the map and suddenly surprised, and was busy urging.

Nangong Liuyun's footsteps speeded up, and the slender arms held the Soviet Union, and the wind blew toward the front.

Soon, they went to a magical place.

Compared to the outside, this can be described as a fairyland.

A meandering stream in front, surrounded by a circle, blue and blue, sparkling, gives a very dreamy feeling.

In the center of the stream, there is a white jade floating platform. There is a hint of aura on the floating platform, which makes people want to get close.

"Where!" Su Luo looked at the floating platform, a pure and innocent lotus flower quietly bloomed, suddenly beaming, almost excitedly jumped up.

Nangong Liuyun naturally saw it.

"Wait here, don't mess, let me go." Nangong Liuyun ordered Su Luo to go to a safe place, and then he flew himself.

On the floating platform, this quiet white lotus trembled slightly.

The figure of the Nangong Liuyun stood in front of Bailian.

However, he did not rush to act, but stood in the same place, his eyes half-squatting, and carefully looked at this white lotus.

Is this really the fallen red lotus that Susuo is thinking of? But... why not red?

And... Nangong Liuyun released a touch of knowledge, trying to explore the white lotus body and get some secret news.

However, at this time, the small stone reminded the Soviet Union: "The fallen red lotus is about to wake up, be quick!"

So, Su Luo gave this sentence to Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun’s beautiful eyebrows are inexplicably wrinkled.

This white lotus is not a fallen red lotus, because its breath is not pure enough.

The shape can be changed, but the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth that uses the chaotic gas to condense will never change.

"There is still the last tea time, if you can't find the fallen red lotus..." The sound of the small stone was unprecedentedly dignified.

Although the words were not finished, Su Luo could fully understand what he meant. If you can't find the fallen red lotus at that time, when the red lotus is awakened, they will become funerary objects and they will disappear.

There are only two roads in front of the Soviet Union.

First, continue to find it. As for whether it can be found in a tea time, it is difficult to predict.

The second is to quickly retreat from now on. Only in this way can we run safely in the final time.

"Walk or stay?" Su Luo bit his teeth, his eyes staring at the Nangong stream.

This decision was not good for her, so she threw the problem to Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun’s eyes were as light as electricity, scanning everything around him, receiving the question of Su Luo’s question, his gentle voice with a smile, and he looked at Su Luo seriously: “Trust me?”

Simple and simple four words, but there is an inexhaustible self-confidence.

"I believe in you." Su Luo smiled and nodded. If Nangong Liuyun is not 80% sure, he will not take risks.

"Good." Nangong Liuyun showed a light smile at the bottom of his eyes, pulling the Soviet Union slowly and forward, while the slender fingers pointed to the water surface in the east: "If you didn't guess wrong, it was there."

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