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Sideways, Su Li saw the Nangong stream.

At this time, he closed his eyes, his eyelashes were thick and thick, thin as a flap, and his eyebrows were tight and wrinkled. It seemed to be difficult to understand.

Looking down at Su’s eyes, his face was red.

Because she found that Nangong Liuyun did not even look at it at this time, the fluorescent flow on the baby-like skin, the blown bomb can be broken.

I wanted to come because the magma burst before, and the cloth couldn’t stand being turned into ashes. The clothes of the Nangong Liuyun can't stand it, then he himself... Su Luo looked down subconsciously, and the next moment, her face became more red.

Her clothes were turned into ashes.

I didn't have time to think about it. Su Luo quickly took out the clean clothes from the space and took care of himself. After the fall, he took out the men's clothes and helped Nangong to wear them.

Fortunately, there is always a men's clothing in her space, which is convenient at this time.

Nangong Liuyun still did not wake up.

"Small stone, how is this going?" Su Luo sat alone on the knees, waiting for the Nangong to wake up, while throwing doubts to the small stone.

She remembered that the magma that was in the sky was rushing like a tidal wave. The hot temperature was not what she could bear, but now she is still alive... this must be awkward.

However, Su Luo waited for a while, but still did not wait for the echo.

"Small stone?" Su Luo called out again and again.

Still no response.

what happened? Su Luo suddenly had a bad feeling!

Her soul quickly drifted into the space, looking around for small stones.

There is no trace of him on the side of Lingshan, where the little stone likes to stay.

On the summit of the highest peak of the mountain, there is still no trace of him.

Under the most aura of the aura of variation, there is still no trace of him.

Where did the little stone go? The bad feelings in the heart of Su Luo are getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, a weak smile appeared in her mind, familiar words, he said: little girl, live well...

At that time, in the coma, Su Luo always thought it was a dream, and he never took him seriously, but now... Su rushed, looking for the small stone, red red stone!

But the little stone is gone! It's like disappearing out of thin air!

Su Luo was so anxious to turn around, releasing the spiritual knowledge, searching her space inside and outside seven or eight times, but the small stone is like turning into the air, there is no trace.

What happened? !

Su Luo suddenly left the space, the soul returned to reality, but the hearts of the small stone are more and more worried.

Maybe Nangong Liuyun knows something. Thinking about it, Su Luo began to push Nangong Liuyun: "Wake up, wake up!"

With the call of the Soviet Union, the densely curled eyelashes of Nangong Liuyun shivered slightly, slowly opening the slightly faint eyes.

"Cough and cough..." Just opened his eyes, and a sudden coughing sound broke out in Nangong Liuyun.

Su Luo suddenly felt distressed, and quickly helped him up, gently patted his back, worried and anxiously asked: "What's wrong? Is it hurt? Is it serious?"

"It's very serious." Nangong Liuyun leaned on the slender shoulders of Su's, greedily sucking the fragrance that belongs to her, and weakly said, "It's so uncomfortable."

Su Luo painfully touched his white face like jade, biting his lower lip and apologizing annoyed: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't wake you up."

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