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"So you have to be responsible." Nangong Liuyun took her hand and looped on his waist, and muttered slowly.

After listening to this, Su Luo suddenly laughed and laughed. "Well, I am responsible, can't I still be responsible? But you must tell me first, where did the little stone go?"

Nangong Liuyun is aware of the existence of small stones.

And Sue remembers that when she was in a coma, Nangong Liuyun was still awake, and he must know what happened.

"Small stones..." Nangong’s flowing clouds swayed through the light.

Seeing his words and endings, Su Luo suddenly rushed: "Hurry up, no words can be concealed!"

Nangong Liuyun looked at Su Luo solemnly, and looked like an unprecedented dignity. He asked one word at a time: "Are you sure you want to know the truth?"

"Yeah!" Su Luo nodded without hesitation.

“Even if the truth is cruel?” Nangong Liuyun confirmed again.

"Yeah!" Su Luo once again firmly nodded.

Even in the face of the first fire between the heavens and the earth, with her understanding of the small stones, he will never make a betrayal of his own things. On the contrary, the most worrying thing about the Soviet Union is that the small stones have unexpectedly saved her.

"It's no wonder that the little stone is willing to sacrifice for you." Nangong Liuyun's fingers such as jade gently rubbed the white cheeks of Su's white, sighing faintly. "The little stones disappeared, and they will not appear again in the future." You... don't be too upset."

"For my sacrifice? You mean a small stone..." The eyes of Su Luo instantly turned red, incredulously glaring at Nangong Liuyun, his fingers clinging to his clothes, the roots of his hands were bulging, "You... don't mean this, right?"

"No, that is what you think." Although Nangong Liuyun couldn't bear it, but he knew that long-term pain was worse than short-term pain, so he told the truth about the truth of the matter quickly. "It is possible to die for you. It is its with pleasure."

"Do you really think so?!" Su Luo glared at him with anger. What is the honor of being a small stone for her death? How can she make the little stone have this honor?

"Well, if I can die for you, it is also my honor." Nangong Liuyun took the small head of Su Luo into his arms, recalling the details before, with a sigh in his tone, "then I am seriously injured, I can protect myself but I can't protect you. If I protect you, I will die."

Su Luo instantly opened his eyes! The situation at the time was so serious?

"Yes, it is so serious. Under such circumstances..." Nangong Liu Yun's fingers gently stroked the soft silky black hair of Su Luo, slowly and literally said, "There was no way at the time. Just as I made the choice, the little stone appeared."

The flaming red magma is reflected in the deep and beautiful beauty of the Nangong River. There is a fascinating and fascinating beauty.

Nangong Liuyun’s pause, and slowly tells the story of this life-and-death.

"The illusion of the small stone appeared. He turned into a vain armor and protected you and me. But the power of the fallen red lotus explosion was too strong, even if he exhausted the spiritual power, he only protected for a few seconds. Finally - He used the way to burn the soul." There was a sigh in the words of Nangong Liuyun.

As we all know, the power of burning souls is very powerful, but once the soul is burned, it is really annihilated in this world, and it is turned into nothingness.

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