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"No!" The tears of the Soviet Union fell down big and big.

Tears slipped down the cheeks and rolled onto the lotus petals, splashing the starting point.

Small stones, did you really go this way? She does not believe it.

However, if he is not the news, where will he go? Inside and out of the Soviet Union, looking around, there is no trace of him everywhere.

Nangong Liuyun distressed her in her arms, gently stroking her slender back, softly persuaded: "The festival will change."

"I don't believe it!" Su Luo excitedly pulled the sleeves of Nangong Liuyun. The red lips shivered with excitement. They repeatedly said, "Why is this happening? I will soon be promoted to the rank of leader, and I will be able to help at that time." He reshapes his body, and he can appear in the light, why is it like this!"

Nangong Liuyun did not know how to comfort her, but just patted her back and calmed her.

Su Luo’s heart is not sour.

The little stone disappeared without a trace. She even had a last glance. The last sentence did not have time to tell him... Although he was proud and poisonous, on the way, he helped her so much, just like her closest. Little friends, also teachers and friends...

Su Luo was completely immersed in his own sorrow, two lines of tears flowing silently, and the drops drove down to the lotus petals underneath.

Tick, ticking.

Suddenly, Su Luo found that the lotus petals under his feet swayed.

Although slight, she and Nangong Liuyun both sensed.

"Let's go find the fallen red lotus." Nangong Liuyun threw this task to her in order to let the sorrow out of sorrow. "Small stone saves you regardless of your life, just to let you conquer the fallen red lotus. Do you even Will the last wish of the little stone not be realized?"

"Well, I am going, I am going to find it!" Su Luo wiped away the tears in his eyes.

Until this time, Su Luo had a mood to look around everything.

Surrounded by the sky, the vermilion is red.

Countless flames are everywhere.

Underneath is a rolling magma, which is an unbearable heat.

In the center of the magma, there is a red-red demon red lotus.

The lotus flower is very large, and a small petal is as big as a double bed, and the Soviet Union and Nangong Liuyun have slept on this petal before.

"The fallen red lotus?" The fingers of the Soviet Union pointed to the huge lotus flower.

At this point, the fallen red lotus seems to be caught in a deep sleep, without the powerful aggression before, and the devil that swallows everything.

Su Luo wanted to get close, but found that he could not walk into the scope of the lotus core.

Su Luo was very helpless and shook his head at the Nangong River.

Nangong Liuyun waved at the Soviet Union. "Now your strength has not recovered, it must be unable to conquer, come over."

The Soviet Union silently walked toward the South Palace.

Nangong’s white snow fingers touched her veins, and the deep eyelids looked at Su’s in a blink of an eye. The thick eyebrows wrinkled slightly: “Your strength is only two.”

In fact, Nangong Liuyun’s own strength is now gone, and even he has no strength in standing.

Under such circumstances, let alone accepting the fallen red lotus, they are better off expecting the fallen red lotus not to suddenly erupt, and in turn engulf them.

Su Luo and Nan Gong Liu Yun took time to recover.

The outside situation has changed dramatically.

The oriental Xuan retreated very quickly, and at the moment he withdrew, the big red dragon exploded.

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