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The previous outbreak, because the small stone struggled with life at the last minute, so the half of the fallen red lotus was severely impacted, so that it is now in a state of semi-disability, falling into a coma, without the ability to attack.

At this time, it is also the best time to conquer it, but unfortunately... Su Luo and Nan Gong Liu Yun are now mud buddha crossing the river, it is difficult to protect themselves.

Time passes by little by little.

The repair of the Soviet Union is gradually recovering, but the situation of the Nangong Liuyun is not very good.

Before he saved the Soviet Union, he rushed to the ground and blocked all attacks with his own back. Therefore, the injury was much more serious than that seen by Su Luo. It does not know how long it will take to recover.


Su Luo looked at the fallen red lotus that looked up a little bit, and then looked at the quietly colored Nangong Liuyun, and the anxious color in his eyes became more and more intense.

Su Luo remembers that when Master said that the gate of the Dragon's Secrets was only three months old, three months to arrive, if it could not go out, it could only be kept forever.

But now... even if Su Luo gave up the fallen red lotus, she could not go out.

Because she had searched around.

This is a fiery red world.

It is a deep red flame in all directions. The outer part is a hot magma that flows like hot water. It is a snow-white wall through the magma. What material composition does not know, but it is not that she and the injured Nangong Liuyun can break through. of.

So now they are like being placed in an erect egg, without a door on all sides.

Su Luo suddenly had no choice.

How is this good?


A strange voice passed to the ear of the ear, almost scared her.

"Who?" The Soviets watched the surroundings with vigilance, but there was no difference around them.

"Want to go out?" This voice seems to come from time and space, but it seems to be close at hand.

The body of Su Luo instantly rotated, staring coldly at the fallen red lotus, staring carefully and cautiously: "Is it you?"

"Uh huh!" The owner of this voice was very proud when he spoke, just like the little stone at the beginning.

After Su Shen realized one thing, his heart slammed down.

The fallen red lotus can talk to her, does it mean that it has completely awakened? Then how do you deal with it?

"How are you going to make a small stone? Is it still alive?" Su’s eyes stared at the unusually enchanting fallen red lotus core, and there was still a expectation in his heart.

But the lotus flower said that the heart of Su Luo instantly sank to the bottom.

"Small stone? Is that a flame?" It seems a bit stunned. After slowly recalling it seems to have a little impression. "Oh, the flame of the group is still quite good."

"You!" The fall of the forehead's forehead is exploding, and I can't wait to tear this fallen red lotus into pieces. "Damn!"

"You are hateful!" The fallen red lotus is not high-spirited, but he still understands that others are jealous of it, so he is not happy at all, with his hands on his hips, arrogantly cold, "If there is no flame in the mind of this young master, The memory has long smashed all of you into slag, hehe!"

Su Luo caught a trace of information from this passage. She instantly opened her eyes and confirmed: "You mean, the little stone is in your mind? Tell me if it is true!"

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