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Under the powerful pressure of Nangong Liuyun, the fallen red lotus actually hanged his head silently.

Su Luo suddenly surprised!

How is this going? Isn’t it too arrogant to face the little things before? A pair of arrogant and arrogant appearances, now on the Shangnan Palace, suddenly smashed? Is this too incredible? In the cognition of the Soviet Union, the fallen red lotus is very powerful.

I have to say that in the previous big bang, Su Luo’s heart left a deep memory that will never be forgotten.

The fallen red lotus lifted his head weakly and sneaked a glance at Nangong Liuyun, shrinking his neck, and then -

Suddenly, I saw that it opened a huge crimson lotus petal in a strange way. The roots of the lotus flower extended infinitely in all directions, and the branches and leaves quickly expanded and became larger.

At the time of the show.

Suddenly, everything is gone.

It seems that everything in front of me has disappeared.

Suddenly, when she was ignorant, she suddenly found that she had a soft, soft little thing in her hand. When she looked down, she suddenly became dumbfounded.


how come……

At this time, a little white baby with white and tender flesh was sipping the little finger of the meat, and the smile was pure as an angel giggling at her.

It has a large red apron on it, and the apron is a vivid red lotus, which is displayed purely and enchantingly.

The little things in the hands of Su Luo are as cute as the ginseng dolls, and the small buns face powder is tender and tender, making people want to bite a bite.

Nangong Liuyun was also a bit dumbfounded.

However, he quickly reacted, and the sudden little thing is the entity of the fallen red lotus.

There are two kinds of ideology in the fallen red lotus. One is the red lotus shape of the body. This is an attack state, and now the shape of this small broken baby is the humanoid state after its evolution.

The little broken baby sucked the little finger of the meat toot, and squatted into the arms of the Soviet Union. At the same time, he also provoked a look at Nangong Liuyun.

Hey, dare to threaten Xiaoye, Xiaoye makes you look good! Xiao Honglian vomited in the heart while making a face at the Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun suddenly became angry, and he reached out to pick up the little things.

However, his hand was not close, and he was blocked by the Soviet Union.

Su Luo looked at him with a look of disgust: "What are you doing?", then, he pushed him far away.

Nangong Liuyun stopped on the spot and then reacted silently...he, quilt, self, already, heart, love, woman, man, push, open, and? ? ?

"Let's fall, give him to me." Nangong Liu Yun brows deeply wrinkled. The stinky boy was squatting in the arms of the Soviet Union. This is not something he can tolerate.

Su Luo glanced at him unhappyly: "You look so fierce, it will scare him, let me hug it."

Nangong flow is angry. This is to say that his position in the heart of the **** is not as good as this small broken child?

"Do you know who it is?" Nangong Liuyun's forehead beats on the forehead, but still barely maintains his demeanor and calmly speaks.

"Lost red lotus." Su Luo looked at Nangong Liuyun like an idiot. "You don't think I am stupid? Even the human form of the fallen red lotus can't recognize it?"

Nangong Liuyun was smashed and took a deep breath, only one word calmly said: "Well, give it to me now."

"No!" The Soviets refused.

"Why?" Nangong Liuyun did not understand.

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