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"Did not you see you're entirely a vicious **** wanted to hit it look like it?" Su said snappily off.

When Su Luo said this, the white-necked baby Xiaohonglian with a small buttocks is also very cooperative. The two lotus-like tender hands are tightly clutching the clothes of the Soviet Union, and the black-and-white clear eyes are even more dazed. I want to cry, it seems to be wronged.

"Oh, Xiaohonglian does not cry, my sister will not hand you over to him." Su Luo holding Xiao Honglian patiently squatting.

Nangong Liuyun has almost an impulse to caress.

When I see a baby, do women really have a motherhood? How is this happening in his family?

But he can't stalk his neck and slam the sorrow. The little broken child is deliberately making me jealous. You don't understand! Can't say, I can't say that this kind of unspeakable words. Nangong Liuyun took a deep breath and continued to take a deep breath. After three consecutive breaths, the anger of his heart was barely pressed.

However, at this time, the small broken child hiding in the arms of the Soviet Union was not enough to stimulate him, and made a disgusting face at him!

The body of Nangong Liuyun slammed into it.

"What?" Su turned and looked at the Nangong Liuyun who raised his palm. He suddenly became angry. "You want to beat me?"

"Nothing is not, there is absolutely no thing." Nangong Liu Yun's heart succumbed to death, in order to appease the Soviet Union, he had to plead for a full apology.

As he calmed down the Soviet Union, he had to accept Xiao Honglian's contempt for him.

"Let's fall, you think this is a small break..." Nangong Liuyun's words were halfway through, and he was taken across by Su, so he had to change his name. "This little baby, we will not raise, you say yes. ?"

Su Luo looked at him like an idiot. "Do you think we need to raise it with its strength?"

"Oh..." Nangong Liuyun was stunned again. This is true. The first cluster of fires between heaven and earth, need them to raise?

"What do you do to get it?" Nangong Liuyun now wants to lick his head. He is desperate to not bring this annoying little broken child back. You see, this is just the beginning, I dare to stalk the Soviet Union and almost quarrel with him. What will happen later?

And seeing Su Luo’s appearance of like baby, just like his own, holding it and not letting go, this makes Nangong Liuyun have a strong sense of crisis, a sense of crisis in the heart of Su’s heart. .

"Don't you say, take it back?" Su Luo suddenly, naturally, will be an army.

"...!!!" Nangong Liuyun almost sighed.

Ok, he died before, OK?

"Really to bring it back? In fact, if you don't bring it back, let it continue to live here, it may be the best for it, if you barely bring it back..." Nangong Liuyun considered the wording of euphemism.

However, his wording has not yet thought of going out. He saw the annoying little broken child, two lotus roots, and the tender hands of the young, tightly hugged the neck of the Soviet Union. The small body was still trembling, and a pair of people were afraid of being left behind. appearance.

Nangong Liuyun front angle twitching. This little broken child plays quite like it. Who really eats this set?

But what makes Nangong Liuyun feel sad is that he called Luo Xiaotou really eat this set!

"Don't panic, my sister won't throw your stomach here, let's go out together, huh?" Su Luo gently touched Xiaohonglian's Xiaotianzi, softly humming.

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