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Nangong Liuyun was jealous! His family’s hoes have never been so soft and soft to pass him!

"I know that this little thing is very evil. Now it is clearly installed. You still marry him?" Nangong Liu Yun was dissatisfied with the Soviet Union.

Su Luo glanced at him unpleasantly: "What do you say nonsense? It is like a newborn baby in a humanoid state. It is like a pure white paper. You don't know anything. Don't scare him."

"!!!" Nangong Liuyun sighed in his chest and almost sighed!

do not understand anything? Nothing better than him? Also pure as white paper, the white paper under the day is black paper.

In the arms of Su Luo, Xiao Honglian saw the Nangong Liuyun eating and eating, sucking the index finger of the meat, and smiling with pride.

Nangong Liuyun really wants to slap the past and take this little thing to the flight.

But look at the Soviet Union... Nangong Liuyun can only temporarily close this idea and wait for the opportunity to move again.

Su Luo now puts all his thoughts on this little baby.

Fortunately, Xiaohonglian is not a normal human baby, so it is not so complicated to raise.

Since Xiao Honglian is willing to follow Su Luo, that is the best thing, so Su Luo decided to take it away.

In this way, all these are fire red magma, and the outside is hard as a shell. How can we go out?

Just when Su Luo didn't know what to do, she saw the little baby in her arms open her mouth.


After a slight slam.

The red magma and flames around it were completely gone, and what surprised the Soviets was that

The eyes suddenly open and open, extending in all directions.

Obviously they have come out of the shell of the previous imprisonment.

Su looked down at the little things in my arms. Is this really just a little baby?

Xiao Honglian smiled at the sullen and haha, revealing pure white, small teeth like rice, and two shallow dimples in the corner of the mouth. How to see how it sprouts, just like the purest angel given by Heaven. .

Su Luo suddenly put away the doubtful thoughts, gently stroking the soft hair of the baby, full of heart is distressed.

"Let's go." Nangong Liuyun impatiently squatting at the small broken child, pulling the Soviet Union and walking quickly.

A child is a problem. A child grabs so much time and energy from his family. If they regenerate later, don’t they? Nangong Liuyun thought of this and immediately made up his mind. In the future, he would never let the girl fall.

Su Lu naturally did not know what kind of mind was hidden under the appearance of the Nangong Liuyun Road. At this time, she all put her mind down on the little baby.

Along the way, Nangong Liuyun repeatedly spoke to Su Luo, but they were all spoiled by this little broken child.

Nangong Liuyun sighed with a stomach.

In desperation, he decided to speed up, so the journey of a few days has passed.

"The front is the hole that went out." Su Luo muttered to Nangong Liuyun while looking at the map. "But we are nine months late, the hole is definitely closed, and I don't know if there is any way to open it."

The voice of the Soviet Union was a sigh of despair and despair.

Master's words are in the ears.

Master once said that as long as the door is closed, no matter who it is, there is no way to open it.

After nine months of being late, how could the hole be opened?

The more you want to go, the more desperate you are.

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